On essential self-adjointness of the relativistic hamiltonian of a spinless particle in a negative scalar potential
We discuss a recent approach to quantum field theoretical path integration on noncommutative geometries which imply UV/IR regularising finite minimal uncertainties in positions and/or momenta. One class of such noncommutative geometries arise as `momentum spaces' over curved spaces, for which we can now give the full set of commutation relations in coordinate free form, based on the Synge world function.
The model of generalized quons is described in an algebraic way as certain quasiparticle states with statistics determined by a commutation factor on an abelian group. Quantization is described in terms of quantum Weyl algebras. The corresponding commutation relations and scalar product are also given.
This paper is intended to provide the reader with a review of the authors’ latest results dealing with the modeling of quantum dissipation/diffusion effects at the level of Schrödinger systems, in connection with the corresponding phase space and fluid formulations of such kind of phenomena, especially in what concerns the role of the Fokker–Planck mechanism in the description of open quantum systems and the macroscopic dynamics associated with some viscous hydrodynamic models of Euler and Navier–Stokes...
Quantum detailed balance conditions are often formulated as relationships between the generator of a quantum Markov semigroup and the generator of a dual semigroup with respect to a certain scalar product defined by an invariant state. In this paper we survey some results describing the structure of norm continuous quantum Markov semigroups on ℬ(h) satisfying a quantum detailed balance condition when the duality is defined by means of pre-scalar products on ℬ(h) of the form (s ∈ [0,1]) in order...
We scrutinize the possibility of extending the result of [19] to the case of q-deformed oscillator for q real; for this we exploit the whole range of the deformation parameter as much as possible. We split the case into two depending on whether a solution of the commutation relation is bounded or not. Our leitmotif is subnormality. The deformation parameter q is reshaped and this is what makes our approach effective. The newly arrived parameter, the operator C, has two remarkable properties: it...
We present a new proof of Janson’s strong hypercontractivity inequality for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in holomorphic algebras associated with CAR (canonical anticommutation relations) algebras. In the one generator case we calculate optimal bounds for t such that is a contraction as a map for arbitrary p ≥ 2. We also prove a logarithmic Sobolev inequality.