-linear algebra in economics and physics.
Given a Hilbert space with a Borel probability measure , we prove the -dissipativity in of a Kolmogorov operator that is a perturbation, not necessarily of gradient type, of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator.
We investigate the spectral distribution of the damped wave equation on a compact Riemannian manifold, especially in the case of a metric of negative curvature, for which the geodesic flow is Anosov. The main application is to obtain conditions (in terms of the geodesic flow on and the damping function) for which the energy of the waves decays exponentially fast, at least for smooth enough initial data. We review various estimates for the high frequency spectrum in terms of dynamically defined...
The n-dimensional (isotropic and non-isotropic) harmonic oscillator is studied as a Wigner quantum system. In particular, we focus on the energy spectrum of such systems. We show how to solve the compatibility conditions in terms of 𝔬𝔰𝔭(1|2n) generators, and also recall the solution in terms of 𝔤𝔩(1|n) generators. A method is described for determining a spectrum generating function for an element of the Cartan subalgebra when working with a representation of any Lie (super)algebra. Here, the...
The aim of this paper is the study of a non-commutative decomposition of the conservation process in quantum stochastic calculus. The probabilistic interpretation of this decomposition uses time changes, in contrast to the spatial shifts used in the interpretation of the creation and annihilation operators on Fock space.
From the operator algebraic approach to stationary (quantum) Markov processes there has emerged an axiomatic definition of quantum white noise. The role of Brownian motion is played by an additive cocycle with respect to its time evolution. In this report we describe some recent work, showing that this general structure already allows a rich theory of stochastic integration and stochastic differential equations. In particular, if a quantum Markov process is represented by a unitary cocycle, we can...
Let be a Hermitian symmetric space of the noncompact type and let be a discrete series representation of holomorphically induced from a unitary character of . Following an idea of Figueroa, Gracia-Bondìa and Vàrilly, we construct a Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for the triple by a suitable modification of the Berezin calculus on . We extend the corresponding Berezin transform to a class of functions on which contains the Berezin symbol of for in the Lie algebra of . This allows...