Time as a quantum observable, canonically conjugated to energy, and foundations of self-consistent time analysis of quantum processes.
We give here a survey of some recent results on applications of topological quasi *-algebras to the analysis of the time evolution of quantum systems with infinitely many degrees of freedom.
We review recent results about the derivation and the analysis of two Hartree-Fock-type models for the polarization of vacuum. We pay particular attention to the variational construction of a self-consistent polarized vacuum, and to the physical agreement between our non-perturbative construction and the perturbative description provided by Quantum Electrodynamics.
We consider an effective model of nuclear matter including spin and isospin degrees of freedom, described by an -body Hamiltonian with suitably renormalized two-body and three-body interaction potentials. We show that the corresponding mean-field theory (the time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation) is “exact” as tends to infinity.
We extend Van der Corput's method for exponential sums to study an oscillating term appearing in the quantum theory of large atoms. We obtain an interpretation in terms of classical dynamics and we produce sharp asymptotic upper and lower bounds for the oscillations.