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Wavelet transform and binary coalescence detection

Jean-Michel Innocent, Bruno Torrésani (1997)

Banach Center Publications

We give a short account of some time-frequency methods which are relevant in the context of gravity waves detection. We focus on the case of wavelet analysis which we believe is particularly appropriate. We show how wavelet transforms can lead to efficient algorithms for detection and parameter estimation of binary coalescence signals. In addition, we give in an appendix some of the ingredients needed for the construction of discrete wavelet decompositions and corresponding fast algorithms.

Weakly regular T 2 -symmetric spacetimes. The global geometry of future Cauchy developments

Philippe LeFloch, Jacques Smulevici (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We provide a geometric well-posedness theory for the Einstein equations within the class of weakly regular vacuum spacetimes with T 2 -symmetry, as defined in the present paper, and we investigate their global causal structure. Our assumptions allow us to give a meaning to the Einstein equations under weak regularity as well as to solve the initial value problem under the assumed symmetry. First, introducing a frame adapted to the symmetry and identifying certain cancellation properties taking place...

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