A semigroup approach to the system with primary and secondary failures.
Semi-smooth Newton methods for elliptic equations with gradient constraints are investigated. The one- and multi-dimensional cases are treated separately. Numerical examples illustrate the approach and as well as structural features of the solution.
Semi-smooth Newton methods for elliptic equations with gradient constraints are investigated. The one- and multi-dimensional cases are treated separately. Numerical examples illustrate the approach and as well as structural features of the solution.
In this paper, we present a sensitivity result for quadratic second-order cone programming under the weak form of second-order sufficient condition. Based on this result, we analyze the local convergence of an SQP-type method for nonlinear second-order cone programming. The subproblems of this method at each iteration are quadratic second-order cone programming problems. Compared with the local convergence analysis done before, we do not need the assumption that the Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian...
Sensitivity analysis (with respect to the regularization parameter) of the solution of a class of regularized state constrained optimal control problems is performed. The theoretical results are then used to establish an extrapolation-based numerical scheme for solving the regularized problem for vanishing regularization parameter. In this context, the extrapolation technique provides excellent initializations along the sequence of reducing regularization parameters. Finally, the favorable numerical behavior...
We show how the use of a parallel between the ordinary (+, X) and the (max, +) algebras, Maslov measures that exploit this parallel, and more specifically their specialization to probabilities and the corresponding cost measures of Quadrat, offer a completely parallel treatment of stochastic and minimax control of disturbed nonlinear discrete time systems with partial information. This paper is based upon, and improves, the discrete time part of the earlier paper [9].
The method of projections onto convex sets to find a point in the intersection of a finite number of closed convex sets in a Euclidean space, may lead to slow convergence of the constructed sequence when that sequence enters some narrow “corridor” between two or more convex sets. A way to leave such corridor consists in taking a big step at different moments during the iteration, because in that way the monotoneous behaviour that is responsible for the slow convergence may be interrupted. In this...
We describe an algorithm for computing the value function for “all source, single destination” discrete-time nonlinear optimal control problems together with approximations of associated globally optimal control strategies. The method is based on a set oriented approach for the discretization of the problem in combination with graph-theoretic techniques. The central idea is that a discretization of phase space of the given problem leads to an (all source, single destination) shortest path problem...
We describe an algorithm for computing the value function for “all source, single destination” discrete-time nonlinear optimal control problems together with approximations of associated globally optimal control strategies. The method is based on a set oriented approach for the discretization of the problem in combination with graph-theoretic techniques. The central idea is that a discretization of phase space of the given problem leads to an (all source, single destination) shortest path...
Editorial from the Editor-in-Chief regarding this case of plagiarismPhilippe Mahey 1 Introduction Plagiarism is a plague that any scientific publication in any discipline should fight and eradicate all over the world. Unfortunately, if, on the one hand, the powerful search engines available on the web have helped referees to identify most of the cases, the increasing number of publications have on the other hand facilitated that dubious practice and the number of cases have increased. The case...
A simple proof is given of a Monge-Kantorovich duality theorem for a lower bounded lower semicontinuous cost function on the product of two completely regular spaces. The proof uses only the Hahn-Banach theorem and some properties of Radon measures, and allows the case of a bounded continuous cost function on a product of completely regular spaces to be treated directly, without the need to consider intermediate cases. Duality for a semicontinuous cost function is then deduced via the use of an...