Application de la théorie des graphes au choix des investissements à court terme dans un réseau électrique sujet à avaries
Given a weighted undirected graph G = (V,E), a tree (respectively tour) cover of an edge-weighted graph is a set of edges which forms a tree (resp. closed walk) and covers every other edge in the graph. The tree (resp. tour) cover problem is of finding a minimum weight tree (resp. tour) cover of G. Arkin, Halldórsson and Hassin (1993) give approximation algorithms with factors respectively 3.5 and 5.5. Later Könemann, Konjevod, Parekh, and Sinha (2003) study the linear programming relaxations...
In this paper, a graph partitioning problem that arises in the design of SONET/SDH networks is defined and formalized. Approximation algorithms with performance guarantees are presented. To solve this problem efficiently in practice, fast greedy algorithms and a tabu-search method are proposed and analyzed by means of an experimental study.
In this paper, a graph partitioning problem that arises in the design of SONET/SDH networks is defined and formalized. Approximation algorithms with performance guarantees are presented. To solve this problem efficiently in practice, fast greedy algorithms and a tabu-search method are proposed and analyzed by means of an experimental study.