A note on approximate solutions in parametric semi-infinite optimization
We propose new alternative theorems for convex infinite systems which constitute the generalization of the corresponding to Gale, Farkas, Gordan and Motzkin. By means of these powerful results we establish new approaches to the Theory of Infinite Linear Inequality Systems, Perfect Duality, Semi-infinite Games and Optimality Theory for non-differentiable convex Semi-Infinite Programming Problem.
Las propiedades geométricas del conjunto factible del dual de un problema semiinfinito lineal son análogas a las correspondientes para el caso finito. En este trabajo mostramos cómo, a partir de la caracterización algebraica de vértices y direcciones extremas, se consigue la correspondiente para aristas infinitas, estableciéndose así las bases para una extensión del método simplex a programas semiinfinitos lineales.
In this paper we present different regularity conditions that equivalently characterize various ɛ-duality gap statements (with ɛ ≥ 0) for constrained optimization problems and their Lagrange and Fenchel-Lagrange duals in separated locally convex spaces, respectively. These regularity conditions are formulated by using epigraphs and ɛ-subdifferentials. When ɛ = 0 we rediscover recent results on stable strong and total duality and zero duality gap from the literature.
En este trabajo se establece una caracterización de las soluciones óptimas para el problema continuo de Programación Semi-Infinita Lineal, donde el conjunto de índices es un compacto de Rp. Para la demostración de la condición necesaria de optimalidad se ha utilizado una extensión de la cualificación de restricciones de Mangasarian-Fromovitz. Hemos probado que dicha cualificación es imprescindible para asegurar que no hay desigualdades inestables en el conjunto posible y para que existan puntos...
Bajo condiciones muy generales, la acotación del conjunto factible en un problema de Programación Semi-Infinita garantiza la existencia de solución óptima del problema. Por ello, se estudian en la primera parte condiciones suficientes para la acotación del conjunto de soluciones de un sistema de infinitas ecuaciones. En la segunda parte se dan condiciones de diversa índole que involucran a la función objetivo de distintas maneras, a saber, a través de la función de Lagrange asociada al problema,...
En la primera parte de este trabajo damos una versión simplificada de la conocida relación entre la dualidad en Programación Semi-Infinita y cierta clase de problemas de momentos, basándonos en las propiedades de los sistemas de Farkas-Minkowski. Planteamos a continuación otra clase de problemas de momentos para cuyo análisis resulta de utilidad una generalización del Lema de Farkas.
In this paper we derive a priori error estimates for linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems with finite dimensional control space and state constraints in the whole domain, which can be written as semi-infinite optimization problems. Numerical experiments are conducted to ilustrate our theory.
We are concerned with the Lipschitz modulus of the optimal set mapping associated with canonically perturbed convex semi-infinite optimization problems. Specifically, the paper provides a lower and an upper bound for this modulus, both of them given exclusively in terms of the problem’s data. Moreover, the upper bound is shown to be the exact modulus when the number of constraints is finite. In the particular case of linear problems the upper bound (or exact modulus) adopts a notably simplified...
We are concerned with the Lipschitz modulus of the optimal set mapping associated with canonically perturbed convex semi-infinite optimization problems. Specifically, the paper provides a lower and an upper bound for this modulus, both of them given exclusively in terms of the problem's data. Moreover, the upper bound is shown to be the exact modulus when the number of constraints is finite. In the particular case of linear problems the upper bound (or exact modulus) adopts a notably simplified...
This paper provides KKT and saddle point optimality conditions, duality theorems and stability theorems for consistent convex optimization problems posed in locally convex topological vector spaces. The feasible sets of these optimization problems are formed by those elements of a given closed convex set which satisfy a (possibly infinite) convex system. Moreover, all the involved functions are assumed to be convex, lower semicontinuous and proper (but not necessarily real-valued). The key result...