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Modelling financial time series using reflections of copulas

Jozef Komorník, Magda Komorníková (2013)


We have intensified studies of reflections of copulas (that we introduced recently in [6]) and found that their convex combinations exhibit potentially useful fitting properties for original copulas of the Normal, Frank, Clayton and Gumbel types. We show that these properties enable us to construct interesting models for the relations between investment in stocks and gold.

Modelling stock returns with AR-GARCH processes.

Elzbieta Ferenstein, Miroslaw Gasowski (2004)


Financial returns are often modelled as autoregressive time series with random disturbances having conditional heteroscedastic variances, especially with GARCH type processes. GARCH processes have been intensely studied in financial and econometric literature as risk models of many financial time series. Analyzing two data sets of stock prices we try to fit AR(1) processes with GARCH or EGARCH errors to the log returns. Moreover, hyperbolic or generalized error distributions occur to be good models...

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