Displaying 181 – 200 of 395

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Intelligent financial time series forecasting: A complex neuro-fuzzy approach with multi-swarm intelligence

Chunshien Li, Tai-Wei Chiang (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Financial investors often face an urgent need to predict the future. Accurate forecasting may allow investors to be aware of changes in financial markets in the future, so that they can reduce the risk of investment. In this paper, we present an intelligent computing paradigm, called the Complex Neuro-Fuzzy System (CNFS), applied to the problem of financial time series forecasting. The CNFS is an adaptive system, which is designed using Complex Fuzzy Sets (CFSs) whose membership functions are complex-valued...

Intracellular Modelling of Cell-Matrix Adhesion during Cancer Cell Invasion

V. Andasari, M.A.J. Chaplain (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

When invading the tissue, malignant tumour cells (i.e. cancer cells) need to detach from neighbouring cells, degrade the basement membrane, and migrate through the extracellular matrix. These processes require loss of cell-cell adhesion and enhancement of cell-matrix adhesion. In this paper we present a mathematical model of an intracellular pathway for the interactions between a cancer cell and the extracellular matrix. Cancer cells use similar...

Joint queue-perturbed and weakly coupled power control for wireless backbone networks

Thomas Otieno Olwal, Karim Djouani, Okuthe P. Kogeda, Barend Jacobus van Wyk (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Wireless Backbone Networks (WBNs) equipped with Multi-Radio Multi-Channel (MRMC) configurations do experience power control problems such as the inter-channel and co-channel interference, high energy consumption at multiple queues and unscalable network connectivity. Such network problems can be conveniently modelled using the theory of queue perturbation in the multiple queue systems and also as a weak coupling in a multiple channel wireless network. Consequently, this paper proposes a queue perturbation...

Leader-following consensus of multiple linear systems under switching topologies: An averaging method

Wei Ni, Xiaoli Wang, Chun Xiong (2012)


The leader-following consensus of multiple linear time invariant (LTI) systems under switching topology is considered. The leader-following consensus problem consists of designing for each agent a distributed protocol to make all agents track a leader vehicle, which has the same LTI dynamics as the agents. The interaction topology describing the information exchange of these agents is time-varying. An averaging method is proposed. Unlike the existing results in the literatures which assume the LTI...

Linear repetitive process control theory applied to a physical example

Krzysztof Gałkowski, Eric Rogers, Wojciech Paszke, David Owens (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In the case of linear dynamics, repetitive processes are a distinct class of 2D linear systems with uses in areas ranging from long-wall coal cutting and metal rolling operations to iterative learning control schemes. The main feature which makes them distinct from other classes of 2D linear systems is that information propagation in one of the two independent directions only occurs over a finite duration. This, in turn, means that a distinct systems theory must be developed for them for onward...

Local dependency in networks

Miloš Kudělka, Šárka Zehnalová, Zdeněk Horák, Pavel Krömer, Václav Snášel (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Many real world data and processes have a network structure and can usefully be represented as graphs. Network analysis focuses on the relations among the nodes exploring the properties of each network. We introduce a method for measuring the strength of the relationship between two nodes of a network and for their ranking. This method is applicable to all kinds of networks, including directed and weighted networks. The approach extracts dependency relations among the network's nodes from the structure...

Localization in wireless sensor networks: Classification and evaluation of techniques

Ewa Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Recent advances in technology have enabled the development of low cost, low power and multi functional wireless sensing devices. These devices are networked through setting up a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Sensors that form a WSN are expected to be remotely deployed in large numbers and to self-organize to perform distributed sensing and acting tasks. WSNs are growing rapidly in both size and complexity, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to develop and investigate such large and complex...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 395