Displaying 81 – 100 of 142

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Adaptive modeling of reliability properties for control and supervision purposes

Kai-Uwe Dettmann, Dirk Söffker (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Modeling of reliability characteristics typically assumes that components and systems fail if a certain individual damage level is exceeded. Every (mechanical) system damage increases irreversibly due to employed loading and (mechanical) stress, respectively. The main issue of damage estimation is adequate determination of the actual state-of-damage. Several mathematical modeling approaches are known in the literature, focusing on the task of how loading effects damage progression (e.g., Wöhler,...

Adding constraints to BSDEs with jumps: an alternative to multidimensional reflections

Romuald Elie, Idris Kharroubi (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper is dedicated to the analysis of backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) with jumps, subject to an additional global constraint involving all the components of the solution. We study the existence and uniqueness of a minimal solution for these so-called constrained BSDEs with jumps via a penalization procedure. This new type of BSDE offers a nice and practical unifying framework to the notions of constrained BSDEs presented in [S. Peng and M. Xu, Preprint. (2007)] and BSDEs...

Alcuni problemi matematici legati alla gestione ottima di un portafoglio

Maurizio Pratelli (2004)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questa conferenza, vengono esposte le idee essenziali che stanno alla base del classico problema di gestire un portafoglio in modo da rendere massima l'utilità media. I metodi tipici del controllo stocastico sono confrontati con le idee della dualità convessa infinito-dimensionale.

Almost sure properties of controlled diffusions and worst case properties of deterministic systems

Martino Bardi, Annalisa Cesaroni (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We compare a general controlled diffusion process with a deterministic system where a second controller drives the disturbance against the first controller. We show that the two models are equivalent with respect to two properties: the viability (or controlled invariance, or weak invariance) of closed smooth sets, and the existence of a smooth control Lyapunov function ensuring the stabilizability of the system at an equilibrium.

An application of the expectation-maximization algorithm to interference rejection for direct-sequence spread-spectrum signals

Quan G. Zhang, Costas N. Georghiades (1999)


For a direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DS-SS) system we pose and solve the problem of maximum-likelihood (ML) sequence estimation in the presence of narrowband interference, using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. It is seen that the iterative EM algorithm obtains at each iteration an estimate of the interference which is then subtracted from the data before a new sequence estimate is produced. Both uncoded and trellis coded systems are studied, and the EM-based algorithm is seen to perform...

An averaging principle for stochastic evolution equations. II.

Bohdan Maslowski, Jan Seidler, Ivo Vrkoč (1991)

Mathematica Bohemica

In the present paper integral continuity theorems for solutions of stochastic evolution equations of parabolic type on unbounded time intervals are established. For this purpose, the asymptotic stability of stochastic partial differential equations is investigated, the results obtained being of independent interest. Stochastic evolution equations are treated as equations in Hilbert spaces within the framework of the semigroup approach.

An efficient algorithm for estimating the parameters of superimposed exponential signals in multiplicative and additive noise

Jiawen Bian, Huiming Peng, Jing Xing, Zhihui Liu, Hongwei Li (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper considers parameter estimation of superimposed exponential signals in multiplicative and additive noise which are all independent and identically distributed. A modified Newton-Raphson algorithm is used to estimate the frequencies of the considered model, which is further used to estimate other linear parameters. It is proved that the modified Newton-Raphson algorithm is robust and the corresponding estimators of frequencies attain the same convergence rate with Least Squares Estimators...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 142