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Partition properties of subsets of Pκλ

Masahiro Shioya (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let κ > ω be a regular cardinal and λ > κ a cardinal. The following partition property is shown to be consistent relative to a supercompact cardinal: For any f : n < ω [ X ] n γ with X P κ λ unbounded and 1 < γ < κ there is an unbounded Y ∪ X with | f ' ' [ Y ] n | = 1 for any n < ω.

Partition properties of ω1 compatible with CH

Uri Abraham, Stevo Todorčević (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A combinatorial statement concerning ideals of countable subsets of ω is introduced and proved to be consistent with the Continuum Hypothesis. This statement implies the Suslin Hypothesis, that all (ω, ω*)-gaps are Hausdorff, and that every coherent sequence on ω either almost includes or is orthogonal to some uncountable subset of ω.

Partitioning bases of topological spaces

Dániel T. Soukup, Lajos Soukup (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We investigate whether an arbitrary base for a dense-in-itself topological space can be partitioned into two bases. We prove that every base for a T 3 Lindelöf topology can be partitioned into two bases while there exists a consistent example of a first-countable, 0-dimensional, Hausdorff space of size 2 ω and weight ω 1 which admits a point countable base without a partition to two bases.

PCA sets and convexity

R. Kaufman (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Three sets occurring in functional analysis are shown to be of class PCA (also called Σ 2 1 ) and to be exactly of that class. The definition of each set is close to the usual objects of modern analysis, but some subtlety causes the sets to have a greater complexity than expected. Recent work in a similar direction is in [1, 2, 10, 11, 12].

Pcf theory and cardinal invariants of the reals

Lajos Soukup (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The additivity spectrum ADD ( ) of an ideal 𝒫 ( I ) is the set of all regular cardinals κ such that there is an increasing chain { A α : α < κ } with α < κ A α . We investigate which set A of regular cardinals can be the additivity spectrum of certain ideals. Assume that = or = 𝒩 , where denotes the σ -ideal generated by the compact subsets of the Baire space ω ω , and 𝒩 is the ideal of the null sets. We show that if A is a non-empty progressive set of uncountable regular cardinals and pcf ( A ) = A , then ADD ( ) = A in some c.c.c generic extension of the...

Perfect set properties in models of ZF

Carlos Augusto Di Prisco, Franklin C. Galindo (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study several perfect set properties of the Baire space which follow from the Ramsey property ω ( ω ) ω . In particular we present some independence results which complete the picture of how these perfect set properties relate to each other.

Perfect set theorems

Otmar Spinas (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study splitting, infinitely often equal (ioe) and refining families from the descriptive point of view, i.e. we try to characterize closed, Borel or analytic such families by proving perfect set theorems. We succeed for G δ hereditary splitting families and for analytic countably ioe families. We construct several examples of small closed ioe and refining families.

Perfect sets and collapsing continuum

Miroslav Repický (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Under Martin’s axiom, collapsing of the continuum by Sacks forcing 𝕊 is characterized by the additivity of Marczewski’s ideal (see [4]). We show that the same characterization holds true if 𝔡 = 𝔠 proving that under this hypothesis there are no small uncountable maximal antichains in 𝕊 . We also construct a partition of ω 2 into 𝔠 perfect sets which is a maximal antichain in 𝕊 and show that s 0 -sets are exactly (subsets of) selectors of maximal antichains of perfect sets.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 176