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Duality triads of higher rank: Further properties and some examples

Matthias Schork (2006)

Open Mathematics

It is shown that duality triads of higher rank are closely related to orthogonal matrix polynomials on the real line. Furthermore, some examples of duality triads of higher rank are discussed. In particular, it is shown that the generalized Stirling numbers of rank r give rise to a duality triad of rank r.

Duplicate inverse series relations and hypergeometric evaluations with z = 1 / 4

Wenchang Chu (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

The Gould-Hsu (1973) inverse series relations have been systematically applied to the research of hypergeometric identities. Their duplicate version is established and used to demonstrate several terminating F 2 3 1 / 4 -summation formulas. Further hypergeometric evaluations with the same variable are obtained through recurrence relations.

Dürer polyhedra: the dark side of melancholia

Patrick W. Fowler, Peter E. John (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Dürer's engraving Melencolia I famously includes a perspective view of a solid polyhedral block of which the visible portion is an 8-circuit bounding a pentagon-triple+triangle patch. The polyhedron is usually taken to be a cube truncated on antipodal corners, but an infinity of others are compatible with the visible patch. Construction of all cubic polyhedra compatible with the visible portion (i.e., Dürer Polyhedra) is discussed, explicit graphs and symmetries are listed for small cases ( ≤ 18...

Durfee polynomials.

Canfield, E.Rodney, Corteel, Sylvie, Savage, Carla D. (1998)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

Dynamic cage survey.

Exoo, Geoffrey, Jajcay, Robert (2008)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

Dynamic WWW structures in 3 D .

Brandes, Ulrik, Kääb, Vanessa, Löh, Andres, Wagner, Dorothea, Willhalm, Thomas (2000)

Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications

Dynamical characterization of C-sets and its application

Jian Li (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We set up a general correspondence between algebraic properties of βℕ and sets defined by dynamical properties. In particular, we obtain a dynamical characterization of C-sets, i.e., sets satisfying the strong Central Sets Theorem. As an application, we show that Rado systems are solvable in C-sets.

Dynamical properties of the automorphism groups of the random poset and random distributive lattice

Alexander S. Kechris, Miodrag Sokić (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A method is developed for proving non-amenability of certain automorphism groups of countable structures and is used to show that the automorphism groups of the random poset and random distributive lattice are not amenable. The universal minimal flow of the automorphism group of the random distributive lattice is computed as a canonical space of linear orderings but it is also shown that the class of finite distributive lattices does not admit hereditary order expansions with the Amalgamation Property....

Dynamics of Stochastic Neuronal Networks and the Connections to Random Graph Theory

R. E. Lee DeVille, C. S. Peskin, J. H. Spencer (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We analyze a stochastic neuronal network model which corresponds to an all-to-all network of discretized integrate-and-fire neurons where the synapses are failure-prone. This network exhibits different phases of behavior corresponding to synchrony and asynchrony, and we show that this is due to the limiting mean-field system possessing multiple attractors. We also show that this mean-field limit exhibits a first-order phase transition as a function...

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