Displaying 61 – 80 of 358

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Defining sets in (proper) vertex colorings of the Cartesian product of a cycle with a complete graph

D. Ali Mojdeh (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In a given graph G = (V,E), a set of vertices S with an assignment of colors to them is said to be a defining set of the vertex coloring of G, if there exists a unique extension of the colors of S to a c ≥ χ(G) coloring of the vertices of G. A defining set with minimum cardinality is called a minimum defining set and its cardinality is the defining number, denoted by d(G,c). The d(G = Cₘ × Kₙ, χ(G)) has been studied. In this note we show that the exact value of defining number d(G = Cₘ × Kₙ, c)...

Definizione dei clan binari e loro classificazione

Mario Servi (1998)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

L’albero binario (libero) è una struttura analoga a quella dei numeri naturali (standard), salvo che ci sono due operazioni di successivo. Nello studio degli alberi binari non standard, si ha bisogno di strutture ordinate che stiano a quella di albero binario libero come la struttura (ordinata) Z sta ad N. Si introducono perciò i clan binari e se ne studiano le classi di isomorfismo. Si dimostra che esse sono determinate dalle classi di similitudine delle successioni numerabili di 2 elementi, avendo...

Degree polynomial for vertices in a graph and its behavior under graph operations

Reza Jafarpour-Golzari (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduce a new concept namely the degree polynomial for the vertices of a simple graph. This notion leads to a concept, namely, the degree polynomial sequence which is stronger than the concept of degree sequence. After obtaining the degree polynomial sequence for some well-known graphs, we prove a theorem which gives a necessary condition for the realizability of a sequence of polynomials with positive integer coefficients. Also we calculate the degree polynomial for the vertices of the join,...

Degree sequences of digraphs with highly irregular property

Zofia Majcher, Jerzy Michael (1998)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A digraph such that for each its vertex, vertices of the out-neighbourhood have different in-degrees and vertices of the in-neighbourhood have different out-degrees, will be called an HI-digraph. In this paper, we give a characterization of sequences of pairs of out- and in-degrees of HI-digraphs.

Degree sequences of graphs containing a cycle with prescribed length

Jian Hua Yin (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let r 3 , n r and π = ( d 1 , d 2 , ... , d n ) be a non-increasing sequence of nonnegative integers. If π has a realization G with vertex set V ( G ) = { v 1 , v 2 , ... , v n } such that d G ( v i ) = d i for i = 1 , 2 , ... , n and v 1 v 2 v r v 1 is a cycle of length r in G , then π is said to be potentially C r ' ' -graphic. In this paper, we give a characterization for π to be potentially C r ' ' -graphic.

Degree Sequences of Monocore Graphs

Allan Bickle (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A k-monocore graph is a graph which has its minimum degree and degeneracy both equal to k. Integer sequences that can be the degree sequence of some k-monocore graph are characterized as follows. A nonincreasing sequence of integers d0, . . . , dn is the degree sequence of some k-monocore graph G, 0 ≤ k ≤ n − 1, if and only if k ≤ di ≤ min {n − 1, k + n − i} and ⨊di = 2m, where m satisfies [...] ≤ m ≤ k ・ n − [...] .

Degree sums of adjacent vertices for traceability of claw-free graphs

Tao Tian, Liming Xiong, Zhi-Hong Chen, Shipeng Wang (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The line graph of a graph G , denoted by L ( G ) , has E ( G ) as its vertex set, where two vertices in L ( G ) are adjacent if and only if the corresponding edges in G have a vertex in common. For a graph H , define σ ¯ 2 ( H ) = min { d ( u ) + d ( v ) : u v E ( H ) } . Let H be a 2-connected claw-free simple graph of order n with δ ( H ) 3 . We show that, if σ ¯ 2 ( H ) 1 7 ( 2 n - 5 ) and n is sufficiently large, then either H is traceable or the Ryjáček’s closure cl ( H ) = L ( G ) , where G is an essentially 2 -edge-connected triangle-free graph that can be contracted to one of the two graphs of order 10 which have...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 358