Displaying 161 – 180 of 1227

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A decomposition of gallai multigraphs

Alexander Halperin, Colton Magnant, Kyle Pula (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An edge-colored cycle is rainbow if its edges are colored with distinct colors. A Gallai (multi)graph is a simple, complete, edge-colored (multi)graph lacking rainbow triangles. As has been previously shown for Gallai graphs, we show that Gallai multigraphs admit a simple iterative construction. We then use this structure to prove Ramsey-type results within Gallai colorings. Moreover, we show that Gallai multigraphs give rise to a surprising and highly structured decomposition into directed trees...

A Deformed Quon Algebra

Hery Randriamaro (2019)

Communications in Mathematics

The quon algebra is an approach to particle statistics in order to provide a theory in which the Pauli exclusion principle and Bose statistics are violated by a small amount. The quons are particles whose annihilation and creation operators obey the quon algebra which interpolates between fermions and bosons. In this paper we generalize these models by introducing a deformation of the quon algebra generated by a collection of operators a i , k , ( i , k ) * × [ m ] , on an infinite dimensional vector space satisfying the...

A density version of the Carlson–Simpson theorem

Pandelis Dodos, Vassilis Kanellopoulos, Konstantinos Tyros (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove a density version of the Carlson–Simpson Theorem. Specifically we show the following. For every integer k 2 and every set A of words over k satisfying lim sup n | A [ k ] n | / k n > 0 there exist a word c over k and a sequence ( w n ) of left variable words over k such that the set c { c w 0 ( a 0 ) . . . w n ( a n ) : n and a 0 , . . . , a n [ k ] } is contained in A . While the result is infinite-dimensional its proof is based on an appropriate finite and quantitative version, also obtained in the paper.

A determinant formula from random walks

Hery Randriamaro (2023)

Archivum Mathematicum

One usually studies the random walk model of a cat moving from one room to another in an apartment. Imagine now that the cat also has the possibility to go from one apartment to another by crossing some corridors, or even from one building to another. That yields a new probabilistic model for which each corridor connects the entrance rooms of several apartments. This article computes the determinant of the stochastic matrix associated to such random walks. That new model naturally allows to compute...

A dichotomy on Schreier sets

Robert Judd (1999)

Studia Mathematica

We show that the Schreier sets S α ( α < ω 1 ) have the following dichotomy property. For every hereditary collection ℱ of finite subsets of ℱ, either there exists infinite M = ( m i ) i = 1 such that S α ( M ) = m i : i E : E S α , or there exist infinite M = ( m i ) i = 1 , N such that [ N ] ( M ) = m i : i F : F a n d F N S α .

A Dichotomy Principle for Universal Series

V. Farmaki, V. Nestoridis (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Applying results of the infinitary Ramsey theory, namely the dichotomy principle of Galvin-Prikry, we show that for every sequence ( α j ) j = 1 of scalars, there exists a subsequence ( α k j ) j = 1 such that either every subsequence of ( α k j ) j = 1 defines a universal series, or no subsequence of ( α k j ) j = 1 defines a universal series. In particular examples we decide which of the two cases holds.

A Different Short Proof of Brooks’ Theorem

Landon Rabern (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Lovász gave a short proof of Brooks’ theorem by coloring greedily in a good order. We give a different short proof by reducing to the cubic case.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 1227