Displaying 461 – 480 of 715

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On splitting infinite-fold covers

Márton Elekes, Tamás Mátrai, Lajos Soukup (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a set, κ be a cardinal number and let ℋ be a family of subsets of X which covers each x ∈ X at least κ-fold. What assumptions can ensure that ℋ can be decomposed into κ many disjoint subcovers? We examine this problem under various assumptions on the set X and on the cover ℋ: among other situations, we consider covers of topological spaces by closed sets, interval covers of linearly ordered sets and covers of ℝⁿ by polyhedra and by arbitrary convex sets. We focus on...

On stratification and domination in graphs

Ralucca Gera, Ping Zhang (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph G is 2-stratified if its vertex set is partitioned into two classes (each of which is a stratum or a color class), where the vertices in one class are colored red and those in the other class are colored blue. Let F be a 2-stratified graph rooted at some blue vertex v. An F-coloring of a graph is a red-blue coloring of the vertices of G in which every blue vertex v belongs to a copy of F rooted at v. The F-domination number γ F ( G ) is the minimum number of red vertices in an F-coloring of G. In...

On the Boolean function graph of a graph and on its complement

T. N. Janakiraman, S. Muthammai, M. Bhanumathi (2005)

Mathematica Bohemica

For any graph G , let V ( G ) and E ( G ) denote the vertex set and the edge set of G respectively. The Boolean function graph B ( G , L ( G ) , N I N C ) of G is a graph with vertex set V ( G ) E ( G ) and two vertices in B ( G , L ( G ) , N I N C ) are adjacent if and only if they correspond to two adjacent vertices of G , two adjacent edges of G or to a vertex and an edge not incident to it in G . For brevity, this graph is denoted by B 1 ( G ) . In this paper, structural properties of B 1 ( G ) and its complement including traversability and eccentricity properties are studied. In addition,...

On the cost chromatic number of outerplanar, planar, and line graphs

John Mitchem, Patrick Morriss, Edward Schmeichel (1997)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We consider vertex colorings of graphs in which each color has an associated cost which is incurred each time the color is assigned to a vertex. The cost of the coloring is the sum of the costs incurred at each vertex. The cost chromatic number of a graph with respect to a cost set is the minimum number of colors necessary to produce a minimum cost coloring of the graph. We show that the cost chromatic number of maximal outerplanar and maximal planar graphs can be arbitrarily large and construct...

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 715