Displaying 241 – 260 of 454

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On arbitrarily vertex decomposable unicyclic graphs with dominating cycle

Sylwia Cichacz, Irmina A. Zioło (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A graph G of order n is called arbitrarily vertex decomposable if for each sequence (n₁,...,nₖ) of positive integers such that i = 1 k n i = n , there exists a partition (V₁,...,Vₖ) of vertex set of G such that for every i ∈ 1,...,k the set V i induces a connected subgraph of G on n i vertices. We consider arbitrarily vertex decomposable unicyclic graphs with dominating cycle. We also characterize all such graphs with at most four hanging vertices such that exactly two of them have a common neighbour.

On constant-weight TSP-tours

Scott Jones, P. Mark Kayll, Bojan Mohar, Walter D. Wallis (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Is it possible to label the edges of Kₙ with distinct integer weights so that every Hamilton cycle has the same total weight? We give a local condition characterizing the labellings that witness this question's perhaps surprising affirmative answer. More generally, we address the question that arises when "Hamilton cycle" is replaced by "k-factor" for nonnegative integers k. Such edge-labellings are in correspondence with certain vertex-labellings, and the link allows us to determine (up to a constant...

On cyclically embeddable graphs

Mariusz Woźniak (1999)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An embedding of a simple graph G into its complement G̅ is a permutation σ on V(G) such that if an edge xy belongs to E(G), then σ(x)σ(y) does not belong to E(G). In this note we consider some families of embeddable graphs such that the corresponding permutation is cyclic.

On Decomposing Regular Graphs Into Isomorphic Double-Stars

Saad I. El-Zanati, Marie Ermete, James Hasty, Michael J. Plantholt, Shailesh Tipnis (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A double-star is a tree with exactly two vertices of degree greater than 1. If T is a double-star where the two vertices of degree greater than one have degrees k1+1 and k2+1, then T is denoted by Sk1,k2 . In this note, we show that every double-star with n edges decomposes every 2n-regular graph. We also show that the double-star Sk,k−1 decomposes every 2k-regular graph that contains a perfect matching.

On degree sets and the minimum orders in bipartite graphs

Y. Manoussakis, H.P. Patil (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For any simple graph G, let D(G) denote the degree set {degG(v) : v ∈ V (G)}. Let S be a finite, nonempty set of positive integers. In this paper, we first determine the families of graphs G which are unicyclic, bipartite satisfying D(G) = S, and further obtain the graphs of minimum orders in such families. More general, for a given pair (S, T) of finite, nonempty sets of positive integers of the same cardinality, it is shown that there exists a bipartite graph B(X, Y ) such that D(X) = S, D(Y )...

On detectable colorings of graphs

Henry Escuadro, Ping Zhang (2005)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let G be a connected graph of order n 3 and let c E ( G ) { 1 , 2 , ... , k } be a coloring of the edges of G (where adjacent edges may be colored the same). For each vertex v of G , the color code of v with respect to c is the k -tuple c ( v ) = ( a 1 , a 2 , , a k ) , where a i is the number of edges incident with v that are colored i ( 1 i k ). The coloring c is detectable if distinct vertices have distinct color codes. The detection number det ( G ) of G is the minimum positive integer k for which G has a detectable k -coloring. We establish a formula for the detection...

On Fulkerson conjecture

Jean-Luc Fouquet, Jean-Marie Vanherpe (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

If G is a bridgeless cubic graph, Fulkerson conjectured that we can find 6 perfect matchings (a Fulkerson covering) with the property that every edge of G is contained in exactly two of them. A consequence of the Fulkerson conjecture would be that every bridgeless cubic graph has 3 perfect matchings with empty intersection (this problem is known as the Fan Raspaud Conjecture). A FR-triple is a set of 3 such perfect matchings. We show here how to derive a Fulkerson covering from two FR-triples. Moreover,...

On generalized list colourings of graphs

Mieczysław Borowiecki, Izak Broere, Peter Mihók (1997)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Vizing [15] and Erdős et al. [8] independently introduce the idea of considering list-colouring and k-choosability. In the both papers the choosability version of Brooks' theorem [4] was proved but the choosability version of Gallai's theorem [9] was proved independently by Thomassen [14] and by Kostochka et al. [11]. In [3] some extensions of these two basic theorems to (𝓟,k)-choosability have been proved. In this paper we prove some extensions of the well-known bounds for...

On generating sets of induced-hereditary properties

Gabriel Semanišin (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A natural generalization of the fundamental graph vertex-colouring problem leads to the class of problems known as generalized or improper colourings. These problems can be very well described in the language of reducible (induced) hereditary properties of graphs. It turned out that a very useful tool for the unique determination of these properties are generating sets. In this paper we focus on the structure of specific generating sets which provide the base for the proof of The Unique Factorization...

On Graphs with Disjoint Dominating and 2-Dominating Sets

Michael A. Henning, Douglas F. Rall (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A DD2-pair of a graph G is a pair (D,D2) of disjoint sets of vertices of G such that D is a dominating set and D2 is a 2-dominating set of G. Although there are infinitely many graphs that do not contain a DD2-pair, we show that every graph with minimum degree at least two has a DD2-pair. We provide a constructive characterization of trees that have a DD2-pair and show that K3,3 is the only connected graph with minimum degree at least three for which D ∪ D2 necessarily contains all vertices of the...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 454