Displaying 41 – 60 of 454

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A ramsey-type theorem for multiple disjoint copies of induced subgraphs

Tomoki Nakamigawa (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let k and ℓ be positive integers with ℓ ≤ k − 2. It is proved that there exists a positive integer c depending on k and ℓ such that every graph of order (2k−1−ℓ/k)n+c contains n vertex disjoint induced subgraphs, where these subgraphs are isomorphic to each other and they are isomorphic to one of four graphs: (1) a clique of order k, (2) an independent set of order k, (3) the join of a clique of order ℓ and an independent set of order k − ℓ, or (4) the union of an independent set of order ℓ and...

A Survey of the Path Partition Conjecture

Marietjie Frick (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Path Partition Conjecture (PPC) states that if G is any graph and (λ1, λ2) any pair of positive integers such that G has no path with more than λ1 + λ2 vertices, then there exists a partition (V1, V2) of the vertex set of G such that Vi has no path with more than λi vertices, i = 1, 2. We present a brief history of the PPC, discuss its relation to other conjectures and survey results on the PPC that have appeared in the literature since its first formulation in 1981.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 454