Displaying 41 – 60 of 3896

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A C(K) Banach space which does not have the Schroeder-Bernstein property

Piotr Koszmider (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We construct a totally disconnected compact Hausdorff space K₊ which has clopen subsets K₊” ⊆ K₊’ ⊆ K₊ such that K₊” is homeomorphic to K₊ and hence C(K₊”) is isometric as a Banach space to C(K₊) but C(K₊’) is not isomorphic to C(K₊). This gives two nonisomorphic Banach spaces (necessarily nonseparable) of the form C(K) which are isomorphic to complemented subspaces of each other (even in the above strong isometric sense), providing a solution to the Schroeder-Bernstein problem for Banach spaces...

A class of multiplicative lattices

Tiberiu Dumitrescu, Mihai Epure (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the multiplicative lattices L which satisfy the condition a = ( a : ( a : b ) ) ( a : b ) for all a , b L . Call them sharp lattices. We prove that every totally ordered sharp lattice is isomorphic to the ideal lattice of a valuation domain with value group or . A sharp lattice L localized at its maximal elements are totally ordered sharp lattices. The converse is true if L has finite character.

A classification of rational languages by semilattice-ordered monoids

Libor Polák (2004)

Archivum Mathematicum

We prove here an Eilenberg type theorem: the so-called conjunctive varieties of rational languages correspond to the pseudovarieties of finite semilattice-ordered monoids. Taking complements of members of a conjunctive variety of languages we get a so-called disjunctive variety. We present here a non-trivial example of such a variety together with an equational characterization of the corresponding pseudovariety.

A common approach to directoids with an antitone involution and D-quasirings

Ivan Chajda, Miroslav Kolařík (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

We introduce the so-called DN-algebra whose axiomatic system is a common axiomatization of directoids with an antitone involution and the so-called D-quasiring. It generalizes the concept of Newman algebras (introduced by H. Dobbertin) for a common axiomatization of Boolean algebras and Boolean rings.

A computation of positive one-peak posets that are Tits-sincere

Marcin Gąsiorek, Daniel Simson (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A complete list of positive Tits-sincere one-peak posets is provided by applying combinatorial algorithms and computer calculations using Maple and Python. The problem whether any square integer matrix A ( ) is ℤ-congruent to its transpose A t r is also discussed. An affirmative answer is given for the incidence matrices C I and the Tits matrices C ̂ I of positive one-peak posets I.

A constructive proof that every 3-generated l-group is ultrasimplicial

Daniele Mundici, Giovanni Panti (1999)

Banach Center Publications

We discuss the ultrasimplicial property of lattice-ordered abelian groups and their associated MV-algebras. We give a constructive proof of the fact that every lattice-ordered abelian group generated by three elements is ultrasimplicial.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 3896