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R -équivalence sur les familles de variétés rationnelles et méthode de la descente

Alena Pirutka (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

La méthode de la descente a été introduite et développée par Colliot-Thélène et Sansuc. Elle permet d’étudier l’arithmétique de certaines variétés rationnelles. Dans ce texte on montre comment il en résulte que pour certaines familles f : X Y de variétés rationnelles sur un corps local k de caractéristique nulle le nombre des classes de R -équivalence de la fibre X y ( k ) est localement constant quand y varie dans Y ( k ) .

Raabe’s formula for p -adic gamma and zeta functions

Henri Cohen, Eduardo Friedman (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The classical Raabe formula computes a definite integral of the logarithm of Euler’s Γ -function. We compute p -adic integrals of the p -adic log Γ -functions, both Diamond’s and Morita’s, and show that each of these functions is uniquely characterized by its difference equation and p -adic Raabe formula. We also prove a Raabe-type formula for p -adic Hurwitz zeta functions.

Rademacher-Carlitz polynomials

Matthias Beck, Florian Kohl (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We introduce and study the Rademacher-Carlitz polynomial R ( u , v , s , t , a , b ) : = k = s s + b - 1 u ( k a + t ) / b v k where a , b > 0 , s,t ∈ ℝ, and u and v are variables. These polynomials generalize and unify various Dedekind-like sums and polynomials; most naturally, one may view R(u,v,s,t,a,b) as a polynomial analogue (in the sense of Carlitz) of the Dedekind-Rademacher sum r t ( a , b ) : = k = 0 b - 1 ( ( ( k a + t ) / b ) ) ( ( k / b ) ) , which appears in various number-theoretic, combinatorial, geometric, and computational contexts. Our results come in three flavors: we prove a reciprocity theorem for Rademacher-Carlitz...

Ramanujan-Fourier series and the conjecture D of Hardy and Littlewood

H. Gopalakrishna Gadiyar, Ramanathan Padma (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give a heuristic proof of a conjecture of Hardy and Littlewood concerning the density of prime pairs to which twin primes and Sophie Germain primes are special cases. The method uses the Ramanujan-Fourier series for a modified von Mangoldt function and the Wiener-Khintchine theorem for arithmetical functions. The failing of the heuristic proof is due to the lack of justification of interchange of certain limits. Experimental evidence using computer calculations is provided for the plausibility...

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