Displaying 2241 – 2260 of 3014

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On the linear independence of p -adic L -functions modulo p

Bruno Anglès, Gabriele Ranieri (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let p 3 be a prime. Let n such that n 1 , let χ 1 , ... , χ n be characters of conductor d not divided by p and let ω be the Teichmüller character. For all i between 1 and n , for all j between 0 and ( p - 3 ) / 2 , set θ i , j = χ i ω 2 j + 1 if χ i is odd ; χ i ω 2 j if χ i is even . Let K = p ( χ 1 , ... , χ n ) and let π be a prime of the valuation ring 𝒪 K of K . For all i , j let f ( T , θ i , j ) be the Iwasawa series associated to θ i , j and f ( T , θ i , j ) ¯ its reduction modulo ( π ) . Finally let 𝔽 p ¯ be an algebraic closure of 𝔽 p . Our main result is that if the characters χ i are all distinct modulo ( π ) , then 1 and the series f ( T , θ i , j ) ¯ are linearly independent over a certain...

On the local behaviour of ordinary Λ -adic representations

Eknath Ghate, Vinayak Vatsal (2004)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

Let f be a primitive cusp form of weight at least 2, and let ρ f be the p -adic Galois representation attached to f . If f is p -ordinary, then it is known that the restriction of ρ f to a decomposition group at p is “upper triangular”. If in addition f has CM, then this representation is even “diagonal”. In this paper we provide evidence for the converse. More precisely, we show that the local Galois representation is not diagonal, for all except possibly finitely many of the arithmetic members of a non-CM...

On the lonely runner conjecture

Ram Krishna Pandey (2010)

Mathematica Bohemica

Suppose k + 1 runners having nonzero distinct constant speeds run laps on a unit-length circular track. The Lonely Runner Conjecture states that there is a time at which a given runner is at distance at least 1 / ( k + 1 ) from all the others. The conjecture has been already settled up to seven ( k 6 ) runners while it is open for eight or more runners. In this paper the conjecture has been verified for four or more runners having some particular speeds using elementary tools.

Currently displaying 2241 – 2260 of 3014