Displaying 2261 – 2280 of 3014

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On the Lucas sequence equations Vₙ = kVₘ and Uₙ = kUₘ

Refik Keskin, Zafer Şiar (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let P and Q be nonzero integers. The sequences of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are defined by U₀ = 0, U₁ = 1 and U n + 1 = P U - Q U n - 1 for n ≥ 1, and V₀ = 2, V₁ = P and V n + 1 = P V - Q V n - 1 for n ≥ 1, respectively. In this paper, we assume that P ≥ 1, Q is odd, (P,Q) = 1, Vₘ ≠ 1, and V r 1 . We show that there is no integer x such that V = V r V x ² when m ≥ 1 and r is an even integer. Also we completely solve the equation V = V V r x ² for m ≥ 1 and r ≥ 1 when Q ≡ 7 (mod 8) and x is an even integer. Then we show that when P ≡ 3 (mod 4) and Q ≡ 1 (mod...

On the magnitudes of some small cyclotomic integers

Frederick Robinson, Michael Wurtz (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We prove the last of five outstanding conjectures made by R. M. Robinson from 1965 concerning small cyclotomic integers. In particular, given any cyclotomic integer β all of whose conjugates have absolute value at most 5, we prove that the largest such conjugate has absolute value of one of four explicit types given by two infinite classes and two exceptional cases. We also extend this result by showing that with the addition of one form, the conjecture is true for β with magnitudes up to 5 + 1/25....

On the matrix negative Pell equation

Aleksander Grytczuk, Izabela Kurzydło (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Let N be a set of natural numbers and Z be a set of integers. Let M₂(Z) denotes the set of all 2x2 matrices with integer entries. We give necessary and suficient conditions for solvability of the matrix negative Pell equation (P) X² - dY² = -I with d ∈ N for nonsingular X,Y belonging to M₂(Z) and his generalization (Pn) i = 1 n X i - d i = 1 n Y ² i = - I with d ∈ N for nonsingular X i , Y i M ( Z ) , i=1,...,n.

On the maximal run-length function in the Lüroth expansion

Yu Sun, Jian Xu (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We obtain a metrical property on the asymptotic behaviour of the maximal run-length function in the Lüroth expansion. We also determine the Hausdorff dimension of a class of exceptional sets of points whose maximal run-length function has sub-linear growth rate.

On the maximal unramified pro-2-extension over the cyclotomic 2 -extension of an imaginary quadratic field

Yasushi Mizusawa (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

For the cyclotomic 2 -extension k of an imaginary quadratic field k , we consider the Galois group G ( k ) of the maximal unramified pro- 2 -extension over k . In this paper, we give some families of k for which G ( k ) is a metabelian pro- 2 -group with the explicit presentation, and determine the case that G ( k ) becomes a nonabelian metacyclic pro- 2 -group. We also calculate Iwasawa theoretically the Galois groups of 2 -class field towers of certain cyclotomic 2 -extensions.

Currently displaying 2261 – 2280 of 3014