Displaying 2541 – 2560 of 3014

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On the q -Pell sequences and sums of tails

Alexander E. Patkowski (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We examine the q -Pell sequences and their applications to weighted partition theorems and values of L -functions. We also put them into perspective with sums of tails. It is shown that there is a deeper structure between two-variable generalizations of Rogers-Ramanujan identities and sums of tails, by offering examples of an operator equation considered in a paper published by the present author. The paper starts with the classical example offered by Ramanujan and studied by previous authors noted...

On the quartic character of quadratic units

Zhi-Hong Sun (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let ℤ be the set of integers, and let (m,n) be the greatest common divisor of integers m and n. Let p be a prime of the form 4k+1 and p = c²+d² with c,d ∈ ℤ, d = 2 r d and c ≡ d₀ ≡ 1 (mod 4). In the paper we determine ( b + ( b ² + 4 α ) / 2 ) ( p - 1 ) / 4 ) ( m o d p ) for p = x²+(b²+4α)y² (b,x,y ∈ ℤ, 2∤b), and ( 2 a + 4 a ² + 1 ) ( p - 1 ) / 4 ( m o d p ) for p = x²+(4a²+1)y² (a,x,y∈ℤ) on the condition that (c,x+d) = 1 or (d₀,x+c) = 1. As applications we obtain the congruence for U ( p - 1 ) / 4 ( m o d p ) and the criterion for p | U ( p - 1 ) / 8 (if p ≡ 1 (mod 8)), where Uₙ is the Lucas sequence given by U₀ = 0, U₁ = 1 and U n + 1 = b U + U n - 1 ( n 1 ) , and b ≢...

On the quasi-periodic p -adic Ruban continued fractions

Basma Ammous, Nour Ben Mahmoud, Mohamed Hbaib (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study a family of quasi periodic p -adic Ruban continued fractions in the p -adic field p and we give a criterion of a quadratic or transcendental p -adic number which based on the p -adic version of the subspace theorem due to Schlickewei.

On the r -free values of the polynomial x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + k

Gongrui Chen, Wenxiao Wang (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let k be a fixed integer. We study the asymptotic formula of R ( H , r , k ) , which is the number of positive integer solutions 1 x , y , z H such that the polynomial x 2 + y 2 + z 2 + k is r -free. We obtained the asymptotic formula of R ( H , r , k ) for all r 2 . Our result is new even in the case r = 2 . We proved that R ( H , 2 , k ) = c k H 3 + O ( H 9 / 4 + ε ) , where c k > 0 is a constant depending on k . This improves upon the error term O ( H 7 / 3 + ε ) obtained by G.-L. Zhou, Y. Ding (2022).

On the range of Carmichael's universal-exponent function

Florian Luca, Carl Pomerance (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Let λ denote Carmichael’s function, so λ(n) is the universal exponent for the multiplicative group modulo n. It is closely related to Euler’s φ-function, but we show here that the image of λ is much denser than the image of φ. In particular the number of λ-values to x exceeds x / ( l o g x ) . 36 for all large x, while for φ it is equal to x / ( l o g x ) 1 + o ( 1 ) , an old result of Erdős. We also improve on an earlier result of the first author and Friedlander giving an upper bound for the distribution of λ-values.

On the ranks of elliptic curves in families of quadratic twists over number fields

Jung-Jo Lee (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A conjecture due to Honda predicts that given any abelian variety over a number field K , all of its quadratic twists (or twists of a fixed order in general) have bounded Mordell-Weil rank. About 15 years ago, Rubin and Silverberg obtained an analytic criterion for Honda’s conjecture for a family of quadratic twists of an elliptic curve defined over the field of rational numbers. In this paper, we consider this problem over number fields. We will prove that the existence of a uniform upper bound...

On the rational approximation to the Thue–Morse–Mahler numbers

Yann Bugeaud (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let ( t k ) k 0 be the Thue–Morse sequence on { 0 , 1 } defined by t 0 = 0 , t 2 k = t k and t 2 k + 1 = 1 - t k for k 0 . Let b 2 be an integer. We establish that the irrationality exponent of the Thue–Morse–Mahler number k 0 t k b - k is equal to 2 .

Currently displaying 2541 – 2560 of 3014