Displaying 341 – 360 of 1341

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The divisor problem for binary cubic forms

Tim Browning (2011)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We investigate the average order of the divisor function at values of binary cubic forms that are reducible over and discuss some applications.

The Drinfeld Modular Jacobian J 1 ( n ) has connected fibers

Sreekar M. Shastry (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the integral model of the Drinfeld modular curve X 1 ( n ) for a prime n 𝔽 q [ T ] . A function field analogue of the theory of Igusa curves is introduced to describe its reduction mod n . A result describing the universal deformation ring of a pair consisting of a supersingular Drinfeld module and a point of order n in terms of the Hasse invariant of that Drinfeld module is proved. We then apply Jung-Hirzebruch resolution for arithmetic surfaces to produce a regular model of X 1 ( n ) which, after contractions in...

The efficiency of approximating real numbers by Lüroth expansion

Chunyun Cao, Jun Wu, Zhenliang Zhang (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For any x ( 0 , 1 ] , let x = 1 d 1 + 1 d 1 ( d 1 - 1 ) d 2 + + 1 d 1 ( d 1 - 1 ) d n - 1 ( d n - 1 - 1 ) d n + be its Lüroth expansion. Denote by P n ( x ) / Q n ( x ) the partial sum of the first n terms in the above series and call it the n th convergent of x in the Lüroth expansion. This paper is concerned with the efficiency of approximating real numbers by their convergents { P n ( x ) / Q n ( x ) } n 1 in the Lüroth expansion. It is shown that almost no points can have convergents as the optimal approximation for infinitely many times in the Lüroth expansion. Consequently, Hausdorff dimension is introduced to quantify the set of...

The Eichler Commutation Relation for theta series with spherical harmonics

Lynne H. Walling (1993)

Acta Arithmetica

It is well known that classical theta series which are attached to positive definite rational quadratic forms yield elliptic modular forms, and linear combinations of theta series attached to lattices in a fixed genus can yield both cusp forms and Eisenstein series whose weight is one-half the rank of the quadratic form. In contrast, generalized theta series - those augmented with a spherical harmonic polynomial - will always yield cusp forms whose weight is increased by the degree of the...

The EKG sequence.

Lagarias, J.C., Rains, E.M., Sloane, N.J.A. (2002)

Experimental Mathematics

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 1341