Displaying 361 – 380 of 424

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Frobenius distributions for real quadratic orders

Peter Stevenhagen (1995)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We present a density result for the norm of the fundamental unit in a real quadratic order that follows from an equidistribution assumption for the infinite Frobenius elements in the class groups of these orders.

Frobenius nonclassicality with respect to linear systems of curves of arbitrary degree

Nazar Arakelian, Herivelto Borges (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

For each integer s ≥ 1, we present a family of curves that are q -Frobenius nonclassical with respect to the linear system of plane curves of degree s. In the case s=2, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for such curves to be q -Frobenius nonclassical with respect to the linear system of conics. In the q -Frobenius nonclassical cases, we determine the exact number of q -rational points. In the remaining cases, an upper bound for the number of q -rational points will follow from Stöhr-Voloch...

From Planck to Ramanujan : a quantum 1 / f noise in equilibrium

Michel Planat (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We describe a new model of massless thermal bosons which predicts an hyperbolic fluctuation spectrum at low frequencies. It is found that the partition function per mode is the Euler generating function for unrestricted partitions p ( n ). Thermodynamical quantities carry a strong arithmetical structure : they are given by series with Fourier coefficients equal to summatory functions σ k ( n ) of the power of divisors, with k = - 1 for the free energy, k = 0 for the number of particles and k = 1 for the internal energy. Low...

From pseudodifferential analysis to modular form theory

André Unterberger (1999)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

Taking advantage of methods originating with quantization theory, we try to get some better hold - if not an actual construction - of Maass (non-holomorphic) cusp-forms. We work backwards, from the rather simple results to the mostly devious road used to prove them.

Fully degenerate poly-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials

Taekyun Kim, Dae San Kim, Jong-Jin Seo (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we introduce the new fully degenerate poly-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials and inverstigate some properties of these polynomials and numbers. From our properties, we derive some identities for the fully degenerate poly-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials.

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 424