Displaying 541 – 560 of 1341

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The intersection of a curve with algebraic subgroups in a product of elliptic curves

Evelina Viada (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We consider an irreducible curve 𝒞 in E n , where E is an elliptic curve and 𝒞 and E are both defined over ¯ . Assuming that 𝒞 is not contained in any translate of a proper algebraic subgroup of E n , we show that the points of the union 𝒞 A ( ¯ ) , where A ranges over all proper algebraic subgroups of E n , form a set of bounded canonical height. Furthermore, if E has Complex Multiplication then the set 𝒞 A ( ¯ ) , for A ranging over all algebraic subgroups of E n of codimension at least 2 , is finite. If E has no Complex Multiplication...

The Iwasawa λ-invariants of ℤₚ-extensions of real quadratic fields

Takashi Fukuda, Hisao Taya (1995)

Acta Arithmetica

1. Introduction. Let k be a totally real number field. Let p be a fixed prime number and ℤₚ the ring of all p-adic integers. We denote by λ=λₚ(k), μ=μₚ(k) and ν=νₚ(k) the Iwasawa invariants of the cyclotomic ℤₚ-extension k of k for p (cf. [10]). Then Greenberg’s conjecture states that both λₚ(k) and μₚ(k) always vanish (cf. [8]). In other words, the order of the p-primary part of the ideal class group of kₙ remains bounded as n tends to infinity, where kₙ is the nth layer of k / k . We know by the Ferrero-Washington...

The joint distribution of Q -additive functions on polynomials over finite fields

Michael Drmota, Georg Gutenbrunner (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let K be a finite field and Q K [ T ] a polynomial of positive degree. A function f on K [ T ] is called (completely) Q -additive if f ( A + B Q ) = f ( A ) + f ( B ) , where A , B K [ T ] and deg ( A ) < deg ( Q ) . We prove that the values ( f 1 ( A ) , ... , f d ( A ) ) are asymptotically equidistributed on the (finite) image set { ( f 1 ( A ) , ... , f d ...

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 1341