Selberg zeta functions associated with a theta multiplier system of SL2(Z) and Jacobi forms.
Let spt(n) denote the total number of appearances of the smallest parts in all the partitions of n. Recently, we found new combinatorial interpretations of congruences for the spt-function modulo 5 and 7. These interpretations were in terms of a restricted set of weighted vector partitions which we call S-partitions. We prove that the number of self-conjugate S-partitions, counted with a certain weight, is related to the coefficients of a certain mock theta function studied by the first author,...
Let be a function field of characteristic , a -extension (for some prime ) and a non-isotrivial elliptic curve. We study the behaviour of the -parts of the Selmer groups ( any prime) in the subextensions of via appropriate versions of Mazur’s Control Theorem. As a consequence we prove that the limit of the Selmer groups is a cofinitely generated (in some cases cotorsion) module over the Iwasawa algebra of .