Displaying 701 – 720 of 16555

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A note on the weighted Khintchine-Groshev Theorem

Mumtaz Hussain, Tatiana Yusupova (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let W ( m , n ; ψ ̲ ) denote the set of ψ 1 , ... , ψ n –approximable points in m n . The classical Khintchine–Groshev theorem assumes a monotonicity condition on the approximating functions ψ ̲ . Removing monotonicity from the Khintchine–Groshev theorem is attributed to different authors for different cases of m and n . It can not be removed for m = n = 1 as Duffin–Schaeffer provided the counter example. We deal with the only remaining case m = 2 and thereby remove all unnecessary conditions from the Khintchine–Groshev theorem.

A note on trilinear forms for reducible representations and Beilinson's conjectures

Michael Harris, Anthony Scholl (2001)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We extend Prasad’s results on the existence of trilinear forms on representations of G L 2 of a local field, by permitting one or more of the representations to be reducible principal series, with infinite-dimensional irreducible quotient. We apply this in a global setting to compute (unconditionally) the dimensions of the subspaces of motivic cohomology of the product of two modular curves constructed by Beilinson.

A note on two linear forms

Nikolay Moshchevitin (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We prove a result on approximations to a real number θ by algebraic numbers of degree ≤ 2 in the case when we have certain information about the uniform Diophantine exponent ω̂ for the linear form x₀ + θx₁ + θ²x₂.

A note on uniform or Banach density

Georges Grekos, Vladimír Toma, Jana Tomanová (2010)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

In this note we present and comment three equivalent definitions of the so called uniform or Banach density of a set of positive integers.

A note on univoque self-sturmian numbers

Jean-Paul Allouche (2008)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We compare two sets of (infinite) binary sequences whose suffixes satisfy extremal conditions: one occurs when studying iterations of unimodal continuous maps from the unit interval into itself, but it also characterizes univoque real numbers; the other is a disguised version of the set of characteristic sturmian sequences. As a corollary to our study we obtain that a real number β in ( 1 , 2 ) is univoque and self-sturmian if and only if the β -expansion of 1 is of the form 1 v , where v is a characteristic...

A note on univoque self-Sturmian numbers

Jean-Paul Allouche (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We compare two sets of (infinite) binary sequences whose suffixes satisfy extremal conditions: one occurs when studying iterations of unimodal continuous maps from the unit interval into itself, but it also characterizes univoque real numbers; the other is a disguised version of the set of characteristic Sturmian sequences. As a corollary to our study we obtain that a real number β in (1,2) is univoque and self-Sturmian if and only if the β-expansion of 1 is of the form 1v, where v is a characteristic...

Currently displaying 701 – 720 of 16555