Displaying 1201 – 1220 of 3014

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On rational torsion points of central -curves

Fumio Sairaiji, Takuya Yamauchi (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let E be a central -curve over a polyquadratic field k . In this article we give an upper bound for prime divisors of the order of the k -rational torsion subgroup E t o r s ( k ) (see Theorems 1.1 and 1.2). The notion of central -curves is a generalization of that of elliptic curves over . Our result is a generalization of Theorem 2 of Mazur [12], and it is a precision of the upper bounds of Merel [15] and Oesterlé [17].

On reduced Arakelov divisors of real quadratic fields

Ha Thanh Nguyen Tran (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

We generalize the concept of reduced Arakelov divisors and define C-reduced divisors for a given number C ≥ 1. These C-reduced divisors have remarkable properties, similar to the properties of reduced ones. We describe an algorithm to test whether an Arakelov divisor of a real quadratic field F is C-reduced in time polynomial in l o g | Δ F | with Δ F the discriminant of F. Moreover, we give an example of a cubic field for which our algorithm does not work.

On relations between f -density and ( R ) -density

Václav Kijonka (2007)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

In this paper it is discus a relation between f -density and ( R ) -density. A generalization of Šalát’s result concerning this relation in the case of asymptotic density is proved.

Currently displaying 1201 – 1220 of 3014