Displaying 1181 – 1200 of 3014

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On quotients of the space of orderings of the field ℚ(x)

Paweł Gładki, Bill Jacob (2016)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we present a method of obtaining new examples of spaces of orderings by considering quotient structures of the space of orderings ( X ( x ) , G ( x ) ) - it is, in general, nontrivial to determine whether, for a subgroup G G ( x ) the derived quotient structure ( X ( x ) | G , G ) is a space of orderings, and we provide some insights into this problem. In particular, we show that if a quotient structure arising from a subgroup of index 2 is a space of orderings, then it necessarily is a profinite one.

On ranks of Jacobian varieties in prime degree extensions

Dave Mendes da Costa (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

T. Dokchitser [Acta Arith. 126 (2007)] showed that given an elliptic curve E defined over a number field K then there are infinitely many degree 3 extensions L/K for which the rank of E(L) is larger than E(K). In the present paper we show that the same is true if we replace 3 by any prime number. This result follows from a more general result establishing a similar property for the Jacobian varieties associated with curves defined by an equation of the shape f(y) = g(x) where f and g are polynomials...

Currently displaying 1181 – 1200 of 3014