Displaying 1221 – 1240 of 3014

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On relative integral bases for unramified extensions

Kevin Hutchinson (1995)

Acta Arithmetica

0. Introduction. Since ℤ is a principal ideal domain, every finitely generated torsion-free ℤ-module has a finite ℤ-basis; in particular, any fractional ideal in a number field has an "integral basis". However, if K is an arbitrary number field the ring of integers, A, of K is a Dedekind domain but not necessarily a principal ideal domain. If L/K is a finite extension of number fields, then the fractional ideals of L are finitely generated and torsion-free (or, equivalently, finitely generated and...

On Robin’s criterion for the Riemann hypothesis

YoungJu Choie, Nicolas Lichiardopol, Pieter Moree, Patrick Solé (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Robin’s criterion states that the Riemann Hypothesis (RH) is true if and only if Robin’s inequality σ ( n ) : = d | n d < e γ n log log n is satisfied for n 5041 , where γ denotes the Euler(-Mascheroni) constant. We show by elementary methods that if n 37 does not satisfy Robin’s criterion it must be even and is neither squarefree nor squarefull. Using a bound of Rosser and Schoenfeld we show, moreover, that n must be divisible by a fifth power > 1 . As consequence we obtain that RH holds true iff every natural number divisible by a fifth power...

Currently displaying 1221 – 1240 of 3014