Displaying 1281 – 1300 of 16555

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An almost-sure estimate for the mean of generalized Q -multiplicative functions of modulus 1

Jean-Loup Mauclaire (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let Q = ( Q k ) k 0 , Q 0 = 1 , Q k + 1 = q k Q k , q k 2 , be a Cantor scale, 𝐙 Q the compact projective limit group of the groups 𝐙 / Q k 𝐙 , identified to 0 j k - 1 𝐙 / q j 𝐙 , and let μ be its normalized Haar measure. To an element x = { a 0 , a 1 , a 2 , } , 0 a k q k + 1 - 1 , of 𝐙 Q we associate the sequence of integral valued random variables x k = 0 j k a j Q j . The main result of this article is that, given a complex 𝐐 -multiplicative function g of modulus 1 , we have lim x k x ( 1 x k n x k - 1 g ( n ) - 0 j k 1 q j 0 a q j g ( a Q j ) ) = 0 μ -a.e .

An alternative construction of normal numbers

Edgardo Ugalde (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

A new class of b -adic normal numbers is built recursively by using Eulerian paths in a sequence of de Bruijn digraphs. In this recursion, a path is constructed as an extension of the previous one, in such way that the b -adic block determined by the path contains the maximal number of different b -adic subblocks of consecutive lengths in the most compact arrangement. Any source of redundancy is avoided at every step. Our recursive construction is an alternative to the several well-known concatenative...

An alternative description of the Drinfeld p -adic half-plane

Stephen Kudla, Michael Rapoport (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that the Deligne formal model of the Drinfeld p -adic half-plane relative to a local field F represents a moduli problem of polarized O F -modules with an action of the ring of integers in a quadratic extension E of F . The proof proceeds by establishing a comparison isomorphism with the Drinfeld moduli problem. This isomorphism reflects the accidental isomorphism of SL 2 ( F ) and SU ( C ) ( F ) for a two-dimensional split hermitian space C for E / F .

An Alternative Form of the Functional Equation for Riemann’s Zeta Function, II

Andrea Ossicini (2014)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

This paper treats about one of the most remarkable achievements by Riemann, that is the symmetric form of the functional equation for ζ ( s ) . We present here, after showing the first proof of Riemann, a new, simple and direct proof of the symmetric form of the functional equation for both the Eulerian Zeta function and the alternating Zeta function, connected with odd numbers. A proof that Euler himself could have arranged with a little step at the end of his paper “Remarques sur un beau rapport entre...

An alternative way to classify some Generalized Elliptic Curves and their isotopic loops

Lucien Bénéteau, M. Abou Hashish (2004)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The Generalized Elliptic Curves ( GECs ) are pairs ( Q , T ) , where T is a family of triples ( x , y , z ) of “points” from the set Q characterized by equalities of the form x . y = z , where the law x . y makes Q into a totally symmetric quasigroup. Isotopic loops arise by setting x * y = u . ( x . y ) . When ( x . y ) . ( a . b ) = ( x . a ) . ( y . b ) , identically ( Q , T ) is an entropic GEC and ( Q , * ) is an abelian group. Similarly, a terentropic GEC may be characterized by x 2 . ( a . b ) = ( x . a ) ( x . b ) and ( Q , * ) is then a Commutative Moufang Loop ( CML ) . If in addition x 2 = x , we have Hall GECs and ( Q , * ) is an exponent 3

Currently displaying 1281 – 1300 of 16555