Displaying 1401 – 1420 of 3014

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On some universal sums of generalized polygonal numbers

Fan Ge, Zhi-Wei Sun (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For m = 3,4,... those pₘ(x) = (m-2)x(x-1)/2 + x with x ∈ ℤ are called generalized m-gonal numbers. Sun (2015) studied for what values of positive integers a,b,c the sum ap₅ + bp₅ + cp₅ is universal over ℤ (i.e., any n ∈ ℕ = 0,1,2,... has the form ap₅(x) + bp₅(y) + cp₅(z) with x,y,z ∈ ℤ). We prove that p₅ + bp₅ + 3p₅ (b = 1,2,3,4,9) and p₅ + 2p₅ + 6p₅ are universal over ℤ, as conjectured by Sun. Sun also conjectured that any n ∈ ℕ can be written as p ( x ) + p ( y ) + p 11 ( z ) and 3p₃(x) + p₅(y) + p₇(z) with x,y,z ∈ ℕ; in...

On special values of theta functions of genus two

Ehud De Shalit, Eyal Z. Goren (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study a certain finitely generated multiplicative subgroup of the Hilbert class field of a quartic CM field. It consists of special values of certain theta functions of genus 2 and is analogous to the group of Siegel units. Questions of integrality of these specials values are related to the arithmetic of the Siegel moduli space.

On square classes in generalized Fibonacci sequences

Zafer Şiar, Refik Keskin (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

Let P and Q be nonzero integers. The generalized Fibonacci and Lucas sequences are defined respectively as follows: U₀ = 0, U₁ = 1, V₀ = 2, V₁ = P and U n + 1 = P U + Q U n - 1 , V n + 1 = P V + Q V n - 1 for n ≥ 1. In this paper, when w ∈ 1,2,3,6, for all odd relatively prime values of P and Q such that P ≥ 1 and P² + 4Q > 0, we determine all n and m satisfying the equation Uₙ = wUₘx². In particular, when k|P and k > 1, we solve the equations Uₙ = kx² and Uₙ = 2kx². As a result, we determine all n such that Uₙ = 6x².

On Square-Free Numbers

Adam Grabowski (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

In the article the formal characterization of square-free numbers is shown; in this manner the paper is the continuation of [19]. Essentially, we prepared some lemmas for convenient work with numbers (including the proof that the sequence of prime reciprocals diverges [1]) according to [18] which were absent in the Mizar Mathematical Library. Some of them were expressed in terms of clusters’ registrations, enabling automatization machinery available in the Mizar system. Our main result of the article...

Currently displaying 1401 – 1420 of 3014