Displaying 1421 – 1440 of 3014

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On strong uniform distribution, II. The infinite-dimensional case

Y. Lacroix (1998)

Acta Arithmetica

We construct infinite-dimensional chains that are L¹ good for almost sure convergence, which settles a question raised in this journal [N]. We give some conditions for a coprime generated chain to be bad for L² or L , using the entropy method. It follows that such a chain with positive lower density is bad for L . There also exist such bad chains with zero density.

On subsequences of convergents to a quadratic irrational given by some numerical schemes

Benoît Rittaud (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Given a quadratic irrational α , we are interested in how some numerical schemes applied to a convenient function f provide subsequences of convergents to α . We investigate three numerical schemes: secant-like methods and formal generalizations, which lead to linear recurring subsequences; the false position method, which leads to arithmetical subsequences of convergents and gives some interesting series expansions; Newton’s method, for which we complete a result of Edward Burger [1] about the existence...

On substitution invariant Sturmian words: an application of Rauzy fractals

Valérie Berthé, Hiromi Ei, Shunji Ito, Hui Rao (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Sturmian words are infinite words that have exactly n+1 factors of length n for every positive integer n. A Sturmian word sα,p is also defined as a coding over a two-letter alphabet of the orbit of point ρ under the action of the irrational rotation Rα : x → x + α (mod 1). A substitution fixes a Sturmian word if and only if it is invertible. The main object of the present paper is to investigate Rauzy fractals associated with two-letter invertible substitutions. As an application, we give...

On sum-product representations in q

Mei-Chu Chang (2006)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The purpose of this paper is to investigate efficient representations of the residue classes modulo q , by performing sum and product set operations starting from a given subset A of q . We consider the case of very small sets A and composite q for which not much seemed known (nontrivial results were recently obtained when q is prime or when log | A | log q ). Roughly speaking we show that all residue classes are obtained from a k -fold sum of an r -fold product set of A , where r log q and log k log q , provided the residue sets...

On sums and products in a field

Guang-Liang Zhou, Zhi-Wei Sun (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study sums and products in a field. Let F be a field with ch ( F ) 2 , where ch ( F ) is the characteristic of F . For any integer k 4 , we show that any x F can be written as a 1 + + a k with a 1 , , a k F and a 1 a k = 1 , and that for any α F { 0 } we can write every x F as a 1 a k with a 1 , , a k F and a 1 + + a k = α . We also prove that for any x F and k { 2 , 3 , } there are a 1 , , a 2 k F such that a 1 + + a 2 k = x = a 1 a 2 k .

Currently displaying 1421 – 1440 of 3014