Displaying 1561 – 1580 of 16555

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Analytic and combinatoric aspects of Hurwitz polyzêtas

Jean-Yves Enjalbert, Hoang Ngoc Minh (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

In this work, a symbolic encoding of generalized Di-richlet generating series is found thanks to combinatorial techniques of noncommutative rational power series. This enables to explicit periodic generalized Dirichlet generating series – particularly the coloured polyzêtas – as linear combinations of Hurwitz polyzêtas. Moreover, the noncommutative version of the convolution theorem gives easily rise to an integral representation of Hurwitz polyzêtas. This representation enables us to build the...

Analytic normal basis theorem

Victor Alexandru, Nicolae Popescu, Alexandru Zaharescu (2008)

Open Mathematics

Let p be a prime number, ℚp the field of p-adic numbers, and ¯ p a fixed algebraic closure of ℚp. We provide an analytic version of the normal basis theorem which holds for normal extensions of intermediate fields ℚp ⊆ K ⊆ L ⊆ ¯ p .

Analytic potential theory over the p -adics

Shai Haran (1993)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Over a non-archimedean local field the absolute value, raised to any positive power α > 0 , is a negative definite function and generates (the analogue of) the symmetric stable process. For α ( 0 , 1 ) , this process is transient with potential operator given by M. Riesz’ kernel. We develop this potential theory purely analytically and in an explicit manner, obtaining special features afforded by the non-archimedean setting ; e.g. Harnack’s inequality becomes an equality.

Analytic torsions on contact manifolds

Michel Rumin, Neil Seshadri (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We propose a definition for analytic torsion of the contact complex on contact manifolds. We show it coincides with Ray–Singer torsion on any 3 -dimensional CR Seifert manifold equipped with a unitary representation. In this particular case we compute it and relate it to dynamical properties of the Reeb flow. In fact the whole spectral torsion function we consider may be interpreted on CR Seifert manifolds as a purely dynamical function through Selberg-like trace formulae, that hold also in variable...

Currently displaying 1561 – 1580 of 16555