Displaying 1561 – 1580 of 3014

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On the average of the sum-of-a-divisors function

Shi-Chao Chen, Yong-Gao Chen (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove an Ω result on the average of the sum of the divisors of n which are relatively coprime to any given integer a. This generalizes the earlier result for a prime proved by Adhikari, Coppola and Mukhopadhyay.

On the average value of the canonical height in higher dimensional families of elliptic curves

Wei Pin Wong (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Given an elliptic curve E over a function field K = ℚ(T₁,...,Tₙ), we study the behavior of the canonical height h ̂ E ω of the specialized elliptic curve E ω with respect to the height of ω ∈ ℚⁿ. We prove that there exists a uniform nonzero lower bound for the average of the quotient ( h ̂ E ω ( P ω ) ) / h ( ω ) over all nontorsion P ∈ E(K).

Currently displaying 1561 – 1580 of 3014