Displaying 1581 – 1600 of 3014

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On the basic character of residue classes.

Peter J. Hilton, Jennifer Hooper, Jean Pedersen (1989)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let t, b be mutually prime positive integers. We say that the residue class t mod b is basic if there exists n such that tn ≡ -1 mod b; otherwise t is not basic. In this paper we relate the basic character of t mod b to the quadratic character of t modulo the prime factors of b. If all prime factors p of b satisfy p ≡ 3 mod 4, then t is basic mod b if t is a quadratic non-residue mod p for all such p; and t is not basic mod b if t is a quadratic residue mod p for all such p. If, for all prime factors...

On the behavior close to the unit circle of the power series whose coefficients are squared Möbius function values

Oleg Petrushov (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We consider the behavior of the power series 0 ( z ) = n = 1 μ 2 ( n ) z n as z tends to e ( β ) = e 2 π i β along a radius of the unit circle. If β is irrational with irrationality exponent 2 then 0 ( e ( β ) r ) = O ( ( 1 - r ) - 1 / 2 - ε ) . Also we consider the cases of higher irrationality exponent. We prove that for each δ there exist irrational numbers β such that 0 ( e ( β ) r ) = Ω ( ( 1 - r ) - 1 + δ ) .

On the Behavior of Power Series with Completely Additive Coefficients

Oleg Petrushov (2015)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Consider the power series ( z ) = n = 1 α ( n ) z , where α(n) is a completely additive function satisfying the condition α(p) = o(lnp) for prime numbers p. Denote by e(l/q) the root of unity e 2 π i l / q . We give effective omega-estimates for ( e ( l / p k ) r ) when r → 1-. From them we deduce that if such a series has non-singular points on the unit circle, then it is a zero function.

On the behaviour close to the unit circle of the power series with Möbius function coefficients

Oleg Petrushov (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Let ( z ) = n = 1 μ ( n ) z n . We prove that for each root of unity e ( β ) = e 2 π i β there is an a > 0 such that ( e ( β ) r ) = Ω ( ( 1 - r ) - a ) as r → 1-. For roots of unity e(l/q) with q ≤ 100 we prove that these omega-estimates are true with a = 1/2. From omega-estimates for (z) we obtain omega-estimates for some finite sums.

On the binary expansions of algebraic numbers

David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, Richard E. Crandall, Carl Pomerance (2004)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Employing concepts from additive number theory, together with results on binary evaluations and partial series, we establish bounds on the density of 1’s in the binary expansions of real algebraic numbers. A central result is that if a real y has algebraic degree D > 1 , then the number # ( | y | , N ) of 1-bits in the expansion of | y | through bit position N satisfies # ( | y | , N ) > C N 1 / D for a positive number C (depending on y ) and sufficiently large N . This in itself establishes the transcendency of a class of reals n 0 1 / 2 f ( n ) where the integer-valued...

Currently displaying 1581 – 1600 of 3014