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Algebraic leaves of algebraic foliations over number fields

Jean-Benoît Bost (2001)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

We prove an algebraicity criterion for leaves of algebraic foliations defined over number fields. Namely, consider a number field K embedded in C , a smooth algebraic variety X over K , equipped with a K - rational point P , and F an algebraic subbundle of the its tangent bundle T X , defined over K . Assume moreover that the vector bundle F is involutive, i.e., closed under Lie bracket. Then it defines an holomorphic foliation of the analytic manifold X ( C ) , and one may consider its leaf F through P . We prove...

Arithmetic of 0-cycles on varieties defined over number fields

Yongqi Liang (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let X be a rationally connected algebraic variety, defined over a number field k . We find a relation between the arithmetic of rational points on  X and the arithmetic of zero-cycles. More precisely, we consider the following statements: (1) the Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction to weak approximation for  K -rational points on  X K for all finite extensions K / k ; (2) the Brauer-Manin obstruction is the only obstruction to weak approximation in some sense that we define for zero-cycles of degree...

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