Displaying 21 – 40 of 104

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Feuilletage canonique sur le fibré de Weil

Basile Guy Richard Bossoto (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let be M a smooth manifold, A a local algebra and M A a manifold of infinitely near points on M of kind A. We build the canonical foliation on M A and we show that the canonical foliation on the tangent bundle TM is the foliation defined by its canonical field.

Fiber cones and the integral closure of ideals.

R. Hübl, C. Huneke (2001)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let (R,m) be a Noetherian local ring and let I C R be an ideal. This paper studies the question of when m I is integrally closed. Particular attention is focused on the case R is a regular local ring and I is a reduced ideal. This question arose through a question posed by Eisenbud and Mazur on the existence of evolutions.

Finite automata and algebraic extensions of function fields

Kiran S. Kedlaya (2006)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We give an automata-theoretic description of the algebraic closure of the rational function field 𝔽 q ( t ) over a finite field 𝔽 q , generalizing a result of Christol. The description occurs within the Hahn-Mal’cev-Neumann field of “generalized power series” over 𝔽 q . In passing, we obtain a characterization of well-ordered sets of rational numbers whose base p expansions are generated by a finite automaton, and exhibit some techniques for computing in the algebraic closure; these include an adaptation to positive...

Finite dimensional rings of quotients.

H. Leroy Hutson (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we characterize commutative rings with finite dimensional classical ring of quotients. To illustrate the diversity of behavior of these rings we examine the case of local rings and FPF rings. Our results extend earlier work on rings with zero-dimensional rings of quotients.

Finite mutation classes of coloured quivers

Hermund André Torkildsen (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that the mutation class of a coloured quiver arising from an m-cluster tilting object associated with a finite-dimensional hereditary algebra H, is finite if and only if H is of finite or tame representation type, or it has at most two simples. This generalizes a result known for cluster categories.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 104