A note on indecomposable modules over valuation domains
At first we prove some results on a general polynomial derivation using few results of linear derivation. Then we study the ring of constants of a linear derivation for some rings. We know that any linear derivation is a nonsimple derivation. In the last section we find the smallest integer such that the polynomial ring in variables is -differentially simple, all derivations are nonsimple and the derivations set contains a linear derivation.
Free Poisson algebras are very closely connected with polynomial algebras, and the Poisson brackets are used to solve many problems in affine algebraic geometry. In this note, we study Poisson derivations on the symplectic Poisson algebra, and give a connection between the Jacobian conjecture with derivations on the symplectic Poisson algebra.
We observe that the characterization of rings of constants of derivations in characteristic zero as algebraically closed subrings also holds in positive characteristic after some natural adaptation. We also present a characterization of such rings in terms of maximality in some families of rings.
A concept of a slice of a semisimple derivation is introduced. Moreover, it is shown that a semisimple derivation d of a finitely generated commutative algebra A over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0 is nothing other than an algebraic action of a torus on Max(A), and, using this, that in some cases the derivation d is linearizable or admits a maximal invariant ideal.