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A note on the kernels of higher derivations

Jiantao Li, Xiankun Du (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let k k ' be a field extension. We give relations between the kernels of higher derivations on k [ X ] and k ' [ X ] , where k [ X ] : = k [ x 1 , , x n ] denotes the polynomial ring in n variables over the field k . More precisely, let D = { D n } n = 0 a higher k -derivation on k [ X ] and D ' = { D n ' } n = 0 a higher k ' -derivation on k ' [ X ] such that D m ' ( x i ) = D m ( x i ) for all m 0 and i = 1 , 2 , , n . Then (1) k [ X ] D = k if and only if k ' [ X ] D ' = k ' ; (2) k [ X ] D is a finitely generated k -algebra if and only if k ' [ X ] D ' is a finitely generated k ' -algebra. Furthermore, we also show that the kernel k [ X ] D of a higher derivation D of k [ X ] can be generated by a set...

A primrose path from Krull to Zorn

Marcel Erné (1995)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Given a set X of “indeterminates” and a field F , an ideal in the polynomial ring R = F [ X ] is called conservative if it contains with any polynomial all of its monomials. The map S R S yields an isomorphism between the power set P ( X ) and the complete lattice of all conservative prime ideals of R . Moreover, the members of any system S P ( X ) of finite character are in one-to-one correspondence with the conservative prime ideals contained in P S = { R S : S S } , and the maximal members of S correspond to the maximal ideals contained in...

A procedure to compute prime filtration

Asia Rauf (2010)

Open Mathematics

Let K be a field, S = K[x 1, … x n] be a polynomial ring in n variables over K and I ⊂ S be an ideal. We give a procedure to compute a prime filtration of S/I. We proceed as in the classical case by constructing an ascending chain of ideals of S starting from I and ending at S. The procedure of this paper is developed and has been implemented in the computer algebra system Singular.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 372