A note on the Hilbert scheme of curves of degree and genus .
Let be a field extension. We give relations between the kernels of higher derivations on and , where denotes the polynomial ring in variables over the field . More precisely, let a higher -derivation on and a higher -derivation on such that for all and . Then (1) if and only if ; (2) is a finitely generated -algebra if and only if is a finitely generated -algebra. Furthermore, we also show that the kernel of a higher derivation of can be generated by a set...
On this paper we compute the numerical function of the approximation theorem of M. Artin for the one-dimensional systems of formal equations.
Given a set of “indeterminates” and a field , an ideal in the polynomial ring is called conservative if it contains with any polynomial all of its monomials. The map yields an isomorphism between the power set and the complete lattice of all conservative prime ideals of . Moreover, the members of any system of finite character are in one-to-one correspondence with the conservative prime ideals contained in , and the maximal members of correspond to the maximal ideals contained in...
Let K be a field, S = K[x 1, … x n] be a polynomial ring in n variables over K and I ⊂ S be an ideal. We give a procedure to compute a prime filtration of S/I. We proceed as in the classical case by constructing an ascending chain of ideals of S starting from I and ending at S. The procedure of this paper is developed and has been implemented in the computer algebra system Singular.