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Lifting the field of norms

Laurent Berger (2014)

Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques

Let K be a finite extension of Q p . The field of norms of a p -adic Lie extension K / K is a local field of characteristic p which comes equipped with an action of Gal ( K / K ) . When can we lift this action to characteristic 0 , along with a compatible Frobenius map? In this note, we formulate precisely this question, explain its relevance to the theory of ( ϕ , Γ ) -modules, and give a condition for the existence of certain types of lifts.

Local derivations in polynomial and power series rings

Janusz Zieliński (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give a description of all local derivations (in the Kadison sense) in the polynomial ring in one variable in characteristic two. Moreover, we describe all local derivations in the power series ring in one variable in any characteristic.

Note sur un article de Sharif et Woodcock

Jean-Paul Allouche (1989)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

H. Sharif et C. Woodcock donnent dans [26] une caractérisation des séries formelles à coefficients dans un corps K de caractéristique non nulle et algébriques sur K ( X ) ; ils en déduisent simplement l’algébricité du produit de Hadamard ou des diagonales de séries algébriques. (Ces résultats ont aussi été obtenus par T. Harase [14]). Nous donnons ici une démonstration légèrement différente de leur théorème et montrons comment on peut en déduire une généralisation intéressante de la notion de p k -substitution...

On roots of polynomials with power series coefficients

Rafał Pierzchała (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a deepened version of a lemma of Gabrielov and then use it to prove the following fact: if h ∈ 𝕂[[X]] (𝕂 = ℝ or ℂ) is a root of a non-zero polynomial with convergent power series coefficients, then h is convergent.

On some noetherian rings of C germs on a real closed field

Abdelhafed Elkhadiri (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let R be a real closed field, and denote by R , n the ring of germs, at the origin of Rⁿ, of C functions in a neighborhood of 0 ∈ Rⁿ. For each n ∈ ℕ, we construct a quasianalytic subring R , n R , n with some natural properties. We prove that, for each n ∈ ℕ, R , n is a noetherian ring and if R = ℝ (the field of real numbers), then , n = , where ₙ is the ring of germs, at the origin of ℝⁿ, of real analytic functions. Finally, we prove the Real Nullstellensatz and solve Hilbert’s 17th Problem for the ring R , n .

On the approximate roots of polynomials

Janusz Gwoździewicz, Arkadiusz Płoski (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a simplified approach to the Abhyankar-Moh theory of approximate roots. Our considerations are based on properties of the intersection multiplicity of local curves.

On the formal first cocycle equation for iteration groups of type II

Harald Fripertinger, Ludwig Reich (2012)

ESAIM: Proceedings

Let x be an indeterminate over ℂ. We investigate solutions α ( s , x ) = n 0 α n ( s ) x n , αn : ℂ → ℂ, n ≥ 0, of the first cocycle equation α ( s + t , x ) = α ( s , x ) α t , F ( s , x ) , s , t , ( Co 1 ) in ℂ [[x]], the ring of formal power series over ℂ, where (F(s,x))s ∈ ℂ is an iteration group of type II, i.e. it is a solution of the translation equation F ( s + t , x ) = F ( s , F ( t , x ) ) , s , t , ( T ) of the form F(s,x) ≡ x + ck(s)xk mod xk+1, where k ≥ 2 and ck ≠ 0 is necessarily an additive function. It is easy to prove that the coefficient functions αn(s) of α ( s , x ) = 1 + n 1 α n ( s ) x n are polynomials in ck(s).It is possible to replace...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 132