The equations of conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices.
The homogeneous ideals of curves in a double plane have been studied by Chiarli, Greco, Nagel. Completing this work we describe the equations of any curve that is contained in some quadric. As a consequence, we classify the Hartshorne-Rao modules of such curves.
By a classical formula due to Enriques, the Euler number χ(X) of the non-singular normalization X of an algebraic surface S with ordinary singularities in P³(ℂ) is given by χ(X) = n(n²-4n+6) - (3n-8)m + 3t - 2γ, where n is the degree of S, m the degree of the double curve (singular locus) of S, t is the cardinal number of the triple points of S, and γ the cardinal number of the cuspidal points of S. In this article we shall give a similar formula for an algebraic threefold with ordinary singularities...
Let be a polynomial ring in variables and let be a strictly increasing sequence of integers. Boij and Söderberg conjectured the existence of graded -modules of finite length having pure free resolution of type in the sense that for the -th syzygy module of has generators only in degree .This paper provides a construction, in characteristic zero, of modules with this property that are also -equivariant. Moreover, the construction works over rings of the form where is a polynomial...
We give a description of the set of points for which the Fedoryuk condition fails in terms of the Łojasiewicz exponent at infinity near a fibre of a polynomial.