Cohomology of torus bundles over Kuga fiber varieties.
We explain the philosophy behind the computations in [BDP] and place them in a wider conceptual setting. We also outline, for toric varieties, the resulting equivalent approach to some key results in that theory.
It is consistent that ZF + DC holds, the hypergraph of rectangles on a given Euclidean space has countable chromatic number, while the hypergraph of equilateral triangles on does not.
Le but de cet article est de proposer une nouvelle méthode pour des études dans le cadre de la théorie des “dessins d’enfants” de A. Grothendieck de certaines questions concernant l’action du groupe de Galois absolu sur l’ensemble des arbres planaires.On définit l’application qui associe à chaque arbre planaire à arêtes, une courbe hyperelliptique avec un point de -division. Cette construction permet d’établir un lien entre la théorie de la torsion des courbes hyperelliptiques et celle des “dessins...
We use combinatorics to describe the topology of a singular irreducible plane curve germ f = 0 under small perturbation of parameters.
In this paper we investigate the problem of finding an explicit element whose toric residue is equal to one. Such an element is shown to exist if and only if the associated polytopes are essential. We reduce the problem to finding a collection of partitions of the lattice points in the polytopes satisfying a certain combinatorial property. We use this description to solve the problem when and for any when the polytopes of the divisors share a complete flag of faces. The latter generalizes earlier...
We describe how the graded minimal resolution of certain semigroup algebras is related to the combinatorics of some simplicial complexes. We obtain characterizations of the Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein conditions. The Cohen-Macaulay type is computed from combinatorics. As an application, we compute explicitly the graded minimal resolution of monomial both affine and simplicial projective surfaces.