Displaying 401 – 420 of 915

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The membership problem for polynomial ideals in terms of residue currents

Mats Andersson (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We find a relation between the vanishing of a globally defined residue current on n and solution of the membership problem with control of the polynomial degrees. Several classical results appear as special cases, such as Max Nöther’s theorem, for which we also obtain a generalization. Furthermore there are some connections to effective versions of the Nullstellensatz. We also provide explicit integral representations of the solutions.

The Milnor number of functions on singular hypersurfaces

Mariusz Zając (1996)

Banach Center Publications

The behaviour of a holomorphic map germ at a critical point has always been an important part of the singularity theory. It is generally known (cf. [5]) that we can associate an integer invariant - called the multiplicity - to each isolated critical point of a holomorphic function of many variables. Several years later it was noticed that similar invariants exist for function germs defined on isolated hypersurface singularities (see [1]). The present paper aims to show a simple approach to critical...

The modified diagonal cycle on the triple product of a pointed curve

Benedict H. Gross, Chad Schoen (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let X be a curve over a field k with a rational point e . We define a canonical cycle Δ e Z 2 ( X 3 ) hom . Suppose that k is a number field and that X has semi-stable reduction over the integers of k with fiber components non-singular. We construct a regular model of X 3 and show that the height pairing τ * ( Δ e ) , τ * ' ( Δ e ) is well defined where τ and τ ' are correspondences. The paper ends with a brief discussion of heights and L -functions in the case that X is a modular curve.

The moduli space of commutative algebras of finite rank

Bjorn Poonen (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The moduli space of rank- n commutative algebras equipped with an ordered basis is an affine scheme 𝔅 n of finite type over , with geometrically connected fibers. It is smooth if and only if n 3 . It is reducible if n 8 (and the converse holds, at least if we remove the fibers above 2 and 3 ). The relative dimension of 𝔅 n is 2 27 n 3 + O ( n 8 / 3 ) . The subscheme parameterizing étale algebras is isomorphic to GL n / S n , which is of dimension only n 2 . For n 8 , there exist algebras that are not limits of étale algebras. The dimension calculations...

Currently displaying 401 – 420 of 915