Displaying 41 – 60 of 274

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Families of hypersurfaces of large degree

Christophe Mourougane (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Grauert and Manin showed that a non-isotrivial family of compact complex hyperbolic curves has finitely many sections. We consider a generic moving enough family of high enough degree hypersurfaces in a complex projective space. We show the existence of a strict closed subset of its total space that contains the image of all its sections.

Families of linear differential equations related to the second Painlevé equation

Marius van der Put (2011)

Banach Center Publications

This paper is a sequel to [vdP-Sa] and [vdP]. The two classes of differential modules (0,-,3/2) and (-,-,3), related to PII, are interpreted as fine moduli spaces. It is shown that these moduli spaces coincide with the Okamoto-Painlevé spaces for the given parameters. The geometry of the moduli spaces leads to a proof of the Painlevé property for PII in standard form and in the Flaschka-Newell form. The Bäcklund transformations, the rational solutions and the Riccati solutions for PII are derived...

Families of reduced zero-dimensional schemes.

Juan C. Migliore (2006)

Collectanea Mathematica

A great deal of recent activity has centered on the question of whether, for a given Hilbert function, there can fail to be a unique minimum set of graded Betti numbers, and this is closely related to the question of whether the associated Hilbert scheme is irreducible or not. We give a broad class of Hilbert functions for which we show that there is no minimum, and hence that the associated Hilbert sheme is reducible. Furthermore, we show that the Weak Lefschetz Property holds for the general element...

Families of smooth curves on surface singularities and wedges

Gérard Gonzalez-Sprinberg, Monique Lejeune-Jalabert (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Following the study of the arc structure of singularities, initiated by J. Nash, we give criteria for the existence of smooth curves on a surface singularity (S,O) and of smooth branches of its generic hypersurface section. The main applications are the following: the existence of a natural partition of the set of smooth curves on (S,O) into families, a description of each of them by means of chains of infinitely near points and their associated maximal cycle and the existence of smooth curves on...

Familles de Hurwitz et cohomologie non abélienne

Pierre Dèbes, Jean-Claude Douai, Michel Emsalem (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous nous intéressons à la question de l’existence de familles de Hurwitz au-dessus d’un espace de modules de revêtements de la droite. On sait que de telles familles existent dans le cas où les revêtements n’ont pas d’automorphismes. Dans le cas général, il y a une obstruction cohomologique, de nature non-abélienne. Nous donnons une double description de cette obstruction : la première en termes de gerbe, l’outil le mieux adapté à des situations cohomologiques non-abéliennes et la deuxièmes en...

Fano manifolds of degree ten and EPW sextics

Atanas Iliev, Laurent Manivel (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

O’Grady showed that certain special sextics in 5 called EPW sextics admit smooth double covers with a holomorphic symplectic structure. We propose another perspective on these symplectic manifolds, by showing that they can be constructed from the Hilbert schemes of conics on Fano fourfolds of degree ten. As applications, we construct families of Lagrangian surfaces in these symplectic fourfolds, and related integrable systems whose fibers are intermediate Jacobians.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 274