Displaying 61 – 80 of 186

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Nœuds algébriques

Lê Dũng Tráng (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous donnons un résumé des principaux résultats récents obtenus sur les nœuds algébriques.

Nonabelian Hodge theory in characteristic p

A. Ogus, V. Vologodsky (2007)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

Given a scheme in characteristic p together with a lifting modulo p2, we construct a functor from a category of suitably nilpotent modules with connection to the category of Higgs modules. We use this functor to generalize the decomposition theorem of Deligne-Illusie to the case of de Rham cohomology with coefficients.

Non-Archimedean integrals and stringy Euler numbers of log-terminal pairs

Victor V. Batyrev (1999)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Using non-Archimedian integration over spaces of arcs of algebraic varieties, we define stringy Euler numbers associated with arbitrary Kawamata log-terminal pairs. There is a natural Kawamata log-terminal pair corresponding to an algebraic variety V having a regular action of a finite group G . In this situation we show that the stringy Euler number of this pair coincides with the physicists’ orbifold Euler number defined by the Dixon-Harvey-Vafa-Witten formula. As an application, we prove a conjecture...

Noncommutative algebraic geometry.

Olav A. Laudal (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The need for a noncommutative algebraic geometry is apparent in classical invariant and moduli theory. It is, in general, impossible to find commuting parameters parametrizing all orbits of a Lie group acting on a scheme. When one orbit is contained in the closure of another, the orbit space cannot, in a natural way, be given a scheme structure. In this paper we shall show that one may overcome these difficulties by introducing a noncommutative algebraic geometry, where affine schemes are modeled...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 186