Displaying 121 – 140 of 397

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Plane curves with small linear orbits, I

Paoli Aluffi, Carel Faber (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The “linear orbit” of a plane curve of degree d is its orbit in d ( d + 3 ) / 2 under the natural action of PGL ( 3 ) . In this paper we compute the degree of the closure of the linear orbits of most curves with positive dimensional stabilizers. Our tool is a nonsingular variety dominating the orbit closure, which we construct by a blow-up sequence mirroring the sequence yielding an embedded resolution of the curve. The results given here will serve as an ingredient in the computation of the analogous information for...

Plane Jacobian conjecture for simple polynomials

Nguyen Van Chau (2008)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A non-zero constant Jacobian polynomial map F=(P,Q):ℂ² → ℂ² has a polynomial inverse if the component P is a simple polynomial, i.e. its regular extension to a morphism p:X → ℙ¹ in a compactification X of ℂ² has the following property: the restriction of p to each irreducible component C of the compactification divisor D = X-ℂ² is of degree 0 or 1.

Plane projections of a smooth space curve

Trygve Johnsen (1996)

Banach Center Publications

Let C be a smooth non-degenerate integral curve of degree d and genus g in 3 over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. For each point P in 3 let V P be the linear system on C induced by the hyperplanes through P. By V P one maps C onto a plane curve C P , such a map can be seen as a projection of C from P. If P is not the vertex of a cone of bisecant lines, then C P will have only finitely many singular points; or to put it slightly different: The secant scheme S P = ( V P ) 2 1 parametrizing divisors in...

Pluricanonical maps for threefolds of general type

Gueorgui Tomov Todorov (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we will prove that for a threefold of general type and large volume the second plurigenera is positive and the fifth canonical map is birational.

Poids de l’inertie modérée de certaines représentations cristallines

Xavier Caruso, David Savitt (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Le but de cette note est de donner une démonstration complète du théorème 4.1 de [5] qui a pour objet d’expliciter l’action de l’inertie modérée sur la semi-simplifiée modulo p d’une certaine famille (assez restreinte) de représentations cristallines V du groupe de Galois absolu d’un corps p -adique K . Lorsque K n’est pas absolument ramifié, le calcul de cette action a déjà été accompli par Fontaine et Laffaille qui ont montré qu’elle est entièrement déterminée par les poids de Hodge-Tate de V , au...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 397