Displaying 41 – 60 of 114

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Groupes de Galois de corps de type fini

Tamás Szamuely (2002/2003)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Il y a quelques années, Florian Pop a démontré que tout corps de type fini sur le corps premier est déterminé à isomorphisme près par son groupe de Galois absolu (quitte à passer à une extension purement inséparable en caractéristique positive). Ce théorème, dont la généalogie remonte à des travaux de Neukirch sur les groupes de Galois de corps de nombres au début des années 1970, répond positivement à la “conjecture anabélienne birationnelle”de A. Grothendieck formulée en 1983. Dans un travail...

Invariants of a quadratic form attached to a tame covering of schemes

Philippe Cassou-Noguès, Boas Erez, Martin J. Taylor (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We build on preceeding work of Serre, Esnault-Kahn-Viehweg and Kahn to establish a relation between invariants, in modulo 2 étale cohomology, attached to a tamely ramified covering of schemes with odd ramification indices. The first type of invariant is constructed using a natural quadratic form obtained from the covering. In the case of an extension of Dedekind domains, mains, this form is the square root of the inverse different equipped with the trace form. In the case of a covering of Riemann...

Local characterization of algebraic manifolds and characterization of components of the set S f

Zbigniew Jelonek (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We show that every n-dimensional smooth algebraic variety X can be covered by Zariski open subsets U i which are isomorphic to closed smooth hypersurfaces in n + 1 . As an application we show that forevery (pure) n-1-dimensional ℂ-uniruled variety X m there is a generically-finite (even quasi-finite) polynomial mapping f : n m such that X S f . This gives (together with [3]) a full characterization of irreducible components of the set S f for generically-finite polynomial mappings f : n m .

On coverings of simple abelian varieties

Olivier Debarre (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

To any finite covering f : Y X of degree d between smooth complex projective manifolds, one associates a vector bundle E f of rank d - 1 on X whose total space contains Y . It is known that E f is ample when X is a projective space ([Lazarsfeld 1980]), a Grassmannian ([Manivel 1997]), or a Lagrangian Grassmannian ([Kim Maniel 1999]). We show an analogous result when X is a simple abelian variety and f does not factor through any nontrivial isogeny X ' X . This result is obtained by showing that E f is M -regular in the...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 114