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Linear discriminant analysis with a generalization of the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse

Tomasz Górecki, Maciej Łuczak (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) technique is an important and well-developed area of classification, and to date many linear (and also nonlinear) discrimination methods have been put forward. A complication in applying LDA to real data occurs when the number of features exceeds that of observations. In this case, the covariance estimates do not have full rank, and thus cannot be inverted. There are a number of ways to deal with this problem. In this paper, we propose improving LDA in this...

Linear extensions of relations between vector spaces

Árpád Száz (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let X and Y be vector spaces over the same field K . Following the terminology of Richard Arens [Pacific J. Math. 11 (1961), 9–23], a relation F of X into Y is called linear if λ F ( x ) F ( λ x ) and F ( x ) + F ( y ) F ( x + y ) for all λ K { 0 } and x , y X . After improving and supplementing some former results on linear relations, we show that a relation Φ of a linearly independent subset E of X into Y can be extended to a linear relation F of X into Y if and only if there exists a linear subspace Z of Y such that Φ ( e ) Y | Z for all e E . Moreover, if E generates...

Linear forms and axioms of choice

Marianne Morillon (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We work in set-theory without choice ZF. Given a commutative field 𝕂 , we consider the statement 𝐃 ( 𝕂 ) : “On every non null 𝕂 -vector space there exists a non-null linear form.” We investigate various statements which are equivalent to 𝐃 ( 𝕂 ) in ZF. Denoting by 2 the two-element field, we deduce that 𝐃 ( 2 ) implies the axiom of choice for pairs. We also deduce that 𝐃 ( ) implies the axiom of choice for linearly ordered sets isomorphic with .

Linear maps preserving A -unitary operators

Abdellatif Chahbi, Samir Kabbaj, Ahmed Charifi (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let be a complex Hilbert space, A a positive operator with closed range in ( ) and A ( ) the sub-algebra of ( ) of all A -self-adjoint operators. Assume φ : A ( ) onto itself is a linear continuous map. This paper shows that if φ preserves A -unitary operators such that φ ( I ) = P then ψ defined by ψ ( T ) = P φ ( P T ) is a homomorphism or an anti-homomorphism and ψ ( T ) = ψ ( T ) for all T A ( ) , where P = A + A and A + is the Moore-Penrose inverse of A . A similar result is also true if φ preserves A -quasi-unitary operators in both directions such that there exists an...

Linear maps preserving quasi-commutativity

Heydar Radjavi, Peter Šemrl (2008)

Studia Mathematica

Let X and Y be Banach spaces and ℬ(X) and ℬ(Y) the algebras of all bounded linear operators on X and Y, respectively. We say that A,B ∈ ℬ(X) quasi-commute if there exists a nonzero scalar ω such that AB = ωBA. We characterize bijective linear maps ϕ : ℬ(X) → ℬ(Y) preserving quasi-commutativity. In fact, such a characterization can be proved for much more general algebras. In the finite-dimensional case the same result can be obtained without the bijectivity assumption.

Linear maps that strongly preserve regular matrices over the Boolean algebra

Kyung-Tae Kang, Seok-Zun Song (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The set of all m × n Boolean matrices is denoted by 𝕄 m , n . We call a matrix A 𝕄 m , n regular if there is a matrix G 𝕄 n , m such that A G A = A . In this paper, we study the problem of characterizing linear operators on 𝕄 m , n that strongly preserve regular matrices. Consequently, we obtain that if min { m , n } 2 , then all operators on 𝕄 m , n strongly preserve regular matrices, and if min { m , n } 3 , then an operator T on 𝕄 m , n strongly preserves regular matrices if and only if there are invertible matrices U and V such that T ( X ) = U X V for all X 𝕄 m , n , or m = n and T ( X ) = U X T V for all X 𝕄 n .

Linear operators preserving maximal column ranks of nonbinary boolean matrices

Seok-Zun Song, Sung-Dae Yang, Sung-Min Hong, Young-Bae Jun, Seon-Jeong Kim (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

The maximal column rank of an m by n matrix is the maximal number of the columns of A which are linearly independent. We compare the maximal column rank with rank of matrices over a nonbinary Boolean algebra. We also characterize the linear operators which preserve the maximal column ranks of matrices over nonbinary Boolean algebra.

Linear operators that preserve Boolean rank of Boolean matrices

LeRoy B. Beasley, Seok-Zun Song (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The Boolean rank of a nonzero m × n Boolean matrix A is the minimum number k such that there exist an m × k Boolean matrix B and a k × n Boolean matrix C such that A = B C . In the previous research L. B. Beasley and N. J. Pullman obtained that a linear operator preserves Boolean rank if and only if it preserves Boolean ranks 1 and 2 . In this paper we extend this characterizations of linear operators that preserve the Boolean ranks of Boolean matrices. That is, we obtain that a linear operator preserves Boolean rank...

Linear operators that preserve graphical properties of matrices: isolation numbers

LeRoy B. Beasley, Seok-Zun Song, Young Bae Jun (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A be a Boolean { 0 , 1 } matrix. The isolation number of A is the maximum number of ones in A such that no two are in any row or any column (that is they are independent), and no two are in a 2 × 2 submatrix of all ones. The isolation number of A is a lower bound on the Boolean rank of A . A linear operator on the set of m × n Boolean matrices is a mapping which is additive and maps the zero matrix, O , to itself. A mapping strongly preserves a set, S , if it maps the set S into the set S and the complement of...

Linear preserver of n × 1 Ferrers vectors

Leila Fazlpar, Ali Armandnejad (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A = [ a i j ] m × n be an m × n matrix of zeros and ones. The matrix A is said to be a Ferrers matrix if it has decreasing row sums and it is row and column dense with nonzero ( 1 , 1 ) -entry. We characterize all linear maps perserving the set of n × 1 Ferrers vectors over the binary Boolean semiring and over the Boolean ring 2 . Also, we have achieved the number of these linear maps in each case.

Linear preservers of rc-majorization on matrices

Mohammad Soleymani (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A , B be n × m matrices. The concept of matrix majorization means the j th column of A is majorized by the j th column of B and this is done for all j by a doubly stochastic matrix D . We define rc-majorization that extended matrix majorization to columns and rows of matrices. Also, the linear preservers of rc-majorization will be characterized.

Linear preservers of row-dense matrices

Sara M. Motlaghian, Ali Armandnejad, Frank J. Hall (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝐌 m , n be the set of all m × n real matrices. A matrix A 𝐌 m , n is said to be row-dense if there are no zeros between two nonzero entries for every row of this matrix. We find the structure of linear functions T : 𝐌 m , n 𝐌 m , n that preserve or strongly preserve row-dense matrices, i.e., T ( A ) is row-dense whenever A is row-dense or T ( A ) is row-dense if and only if A is row-dense, respectively. Similarly, a matrix A 𝐌 n , m is called a column-dense matrix if every column of A is a column-dense vector. At the end, the structure of linear...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 94