Displaying 3121 – 3140 of 3959

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Top-stable and layer-stable degenerations and hom-order

S. O. Smalø, A. Valenta (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Using geometrical methods, Huisgen-Zimmermann showed that if M is a module with simple top, then M has no proper degeneration M < d e g N such that t M / t + 1 M t N / t + 1 N for all t. Given a module M with square-free top and a projective cover P, she showed that d i m k H o m ( M , M ) = d i m k H o m ( P , M ) if and only if M has no proper degeneration M < d e g N where M/M ≃ N/N. We prove here these results in a more general form, for hom-order instead of degeneration-order, and we prove them algebraically. The results of Huisgen-Zimmermann follow as consequences from our results....

Torsion matrices over commutative integral group rings.

Gregory T. Lee, Sudarshan K. Sehgal (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let ZA be the integral group ring of a finite abelian group A, and n a positive integer greater than 5. We provide conditions on n and A under which every torsion matrix U, with identity augmentation, in GLn(ZA) is conjugate in GLn(QA) to a diagonal matrix with group elements on the diagonal. When A is infinite, we show that under similar conditions, U has a group trace and is stably conjugate to such a diagonal matrix.

Torsion units for some almost simple groups

Joe Gildea (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We investigate the Zassenhaus conjecture regarding rational conjugacy of torsion units in integral group rings for certain automorphism groups of simple groups. Recently, many new restrictions on partial augmentations for torsion units of integral group rings have improved the effectiveness of the Luther-Passi method for verifying the Zassenhaus conjecture for certain groups. We prove that the Zassenhaus conjecture is true for the automorphism group of the simple group PSL ( 2 , 11 ) . Additionally we prove that...

Torsion units in group rings.

Vikas Bist (1992)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let U(RG) be the unit group of the group ring RG. In this paper we study group rings RG whose support elements of every torsion unit are torsion, where R is either the ring of integers Z or a field K.

Totally indefinite Euclidean quaternion fields

Jean-Paul Cerri, Jérôme Chaubert, Pierre Lezowski (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We study the Euclidean property for totally indefinite quaternion fields. In particular, we establish a complete list of norm-Euclidean such fields over imaginary quadratic number fields. This enables us to exhibit an example which gives a negative answer to a question asked by Eichler. The proofs are both theoretical and algorithmic.

Totally reflexive modules with respect to a semidualizing bimodule

Zhen Zhang, Xiaosheng Zhu, Xiaoguang Yan (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let S and R be two associative rings, let S C R be a semidualizing ( S , R ) -bimodule. We introduce and investigate properties of the totally reflexive module with respect to S C R and we give a characterization of the class of the totally C R -reflexive modules over any ring R . Moreover, we show that the totally C R -reflexive module with finite projective dimension is exactly the finitely generated projective right R -module. We then study the relations between the class of totally reflexive modules and the Bass class...

Towards a theory of Bass numbers with application to Gorenstein algebras

Shiro Goto, Kenji Nishida (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The notion of Gorenstein rings in the commutative ring theory is generalized to that of Noetherian algebras which are not necessarily commutative. We faithfully follow in the steps of the commutative case: Gorenstein algebras will be defined using the notion of Cousin complexes developed by R. Y. Sharp [Sh1]. One of the goals of the present paper is the characterization of Gorenstein algebras in terms of Bass numbers. The commutative theory of Bass numbers turns out to carry over with no extra changes....

Currently displaying 3121 – 3140 of 3959